JetSurF (Version 2.0)

Release date: September 19, 2010

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How to Cite JetSurF 2.0:


H. Wang, E. Dames, B. Sirjean, D. A. Sheen, R. Tango, A. Violi, J. Y. W. Lai, F. N. Egolfopoulos,  D. F. Davidson, R. K. Hanson, C. T. Bowman, C. K. Law, W. Tsang, N. P. Cernansky, D. L. Miller, R. P. Lindstedt, A high-temperature chemical kinetic model of n-alkane (up to n-dodecane), cyclohexane, and methyl-, ethyl-, n-propyl and n-butyl-cyclohexane oxidation at high temperatures, JetSurF version 2.0, September 19, 2010 (


Question and comments:;




Detailed reaction model development is inherently a work in progress.  The current release is for the purpose of discussion and evaluation.  Although the model predicts a large body of experimental data, it should be used with caution.  The release is meant to be used for modeling the pyrolysis and oxidation of n-alkane (up to n-dodecane), cyclohexane and mono-alkylated cylcohexanes (up to n-butyl-cylcohexane) at high temperatures only.