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HEPL / Aero-Astro Seminar

Dr. Andrew Kalman

Director of the Space & Sytems Development Lab
Stanford Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics

"CubeSats — Research's Low-Cost Access to Space "

Abstract: First conceptualized by Stanford's Professor Bob Twiggs and Cal Poly in 1999, the "FedEx satellite in-a-box" notion of a low-cost entry to space has resulted in a sustained worldwide interest and activity in nanosatellites. Numerous educational, governmental and for-profit organizations are currently pursuing CubeSat projects with wide-ranging goals. In this talk, Dr. Kalman will give an overview of the CubeSat Design Specification and its impact on nanosatellite designs.Ê He will discuss the technologies currently available for CubeSat busses, and their impact on a CubeSat's payload-carrying abilities. He will summarize SSDL's ongoing LMRST- Sat project as an example of a highly interdisciplinary university-industry-government CubeSat cooperation.

Bio: Dr. Andrew Kalman is Pumpkin's president and chief technology architect, and is the Director of the Space & Sytems Development Lab in Stanford's Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics. His interests in embedded programming -- sparked in no small part his Stanford undergraduate activities -- continue to this day and are now being applied to LEO nanosatellites. After co-founding Euphonix, Inc - the pioneering Palo Alto high-tech pro-audio company - he founded Pumpkin, Inc. to explore the feasibility of applying high-level programming paradigms to severely memory-constrained embedded architectures. He is the creator of Pumpkin's Salvo RTOS and Pumpkin's CubeSat Kit. Dr. Kalman received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Florida.


Location: Terman Auditorium

Wednesday, February 18 , 2009 , 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Light refreshments available 4pm; Presentation begins 4:15pm. Open to all.



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