IMUM 2017
IMUM 2017










IMUM 2017 call for abstracts

Book of abstracts

Oral and poster presentations may focus on methods and applications for multiscale ocean modeling over a wide range of scales and physical processes including estuarine, coastal, and global flows as well as small-scale dynamics related to nonhydrostatic effects and overturning and mixing. Although unstructured grids are ideally suited to such multiscale ocean modeling problems, abstracts focusing on application of multiscale structured grid methods (such as model nesting, quad/oct-tree methods, and adaptive mesh refinement) are also highly encouraged. Topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Finite-volume, finite-element, or spectral methods
  • Numerical methods, including stability/accuracy analyses of existing methods, higher-order schemes, multirate schemes, mimetic methods, pre-conditioners, advanced linear solvers
  • Cut/shaved cells, subgrid bathymetry
  • Mesh generation
  • Graph partitioning and reordering schemes
  • Adaptive mesh and/or polynomial refinement
  • Parallel methods and high-performance computing
  • Multiphysics applications including coupling to atmospheric, biogeochemical, wave, or sediment transport models
  • Data assimilation
  • Model validation studies and methods


Last updated: 09/05/17