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Forefathers of Nanotechnology:

Richard P. Feynman: was a physicist who was a part of the Manhattan Project in Los Almos, during World War 2. He later taught at Cal Tech for the most part of his career. In a talk he gave in 1959, called “There is plenty of room at the bottom,” he was one of the earliest people to suggest that scaling down to nano level and starting from the bottom was the key to future technology and advancement.

Richard Smalley: was a professor at Rice University who shared the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Robert Curl and Harold Kroto for their earlier discovery of the buckminsterfullerene form of carbon. The discovery was the foundation of carbon-nanotube research, which Smalley himself pursued.

K Eric Drexler: developed the idea of using nanotechnology to build molecular assemblers that would manufacture materials with atomic precision. Though many nanoscientists now criticize Drexler's proposals as unrealistic wastes of funding, his writings have certainly increased public excitement with the idea of nanotechnology. Drexler co-founded the Foresight Institute.


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Copyright © 2005 Nanogroup Beta: Jason Feng, Maryam Liaqat, Eric Shubo Ma | Physics 87N: Prof. Hari Manoharan
Last modified: 12/09/05