Facilities (Under Construction)

The Scintillator Materials Group originally began as a part of the Advanced Optical Ceramics Lab, created five years ago, which was home to the processing and characterization of ceramic materials for highly demanded optical applications.

Today, our group now focuses on both the fundamental and experimental studies of inorganic scintillators as well as their growth and fabrication. The following text and pictures highlight our facility's equipment and the respective applications of each. It should be noted that these represent only some of the instruments and equipment that are contained within our laboratory. We also have access to advanced instrumentation (TEM, SEM, EMPA, XRD, etc.) within the Stanford Nanocharacterization Laboratory of the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM) as well as Ginzton laboratory.


Cryogenic Measurement System

Our Oxford Instruments Optistat CF cryostat is an optical cryostat useful for scintillation studies down to liquid helium temperatures


Gamma-Ray Spectrometry

An electronics set-up for pulse-height gamma-ray spectrometry is available for characterization and scintillation studies. It is compatible with our cryostat and high pressure systems.


High Isostatic Pressure System for Scintillator Light Yield Nonproportionality Studies

Our custom-engineered high-pressure system can apply up to 1 GPa of isostatic pressure. An optical window allows for light collection.


Crystal Growth Furnaces

Several crystal growth furnaces are available including a Bridgman and high-speed (under assembly) growth furnace.