[curriculum vitae]

Gordon Wetzstein
Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department
Assistant Professor (by courtesy), Computer Science Department
Faculty Co-director, Stanford Center for Image Systems Engineering (SCIEN)
Stanford University

350 Serra Mall
Packard Bldg, Room 236
Stanford, CA 94305-9510

phone: 650.497.7953
email: gordon.wetzstein (at) stanford (dot) edu

You can download my curriculum vitae as a pdf document here.

Education and Experience

since 09/14 Assistant Professor, Stanford University, Electrical Engineering, Stanford CA, USA.

10/13 - 08/14 Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Lab, Cambridge MA, USA.

10/11 - 09/13 Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Lab, Cambridge MA, USA.
Funded by an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship (PDF) and the DARPA SCENICC program.

09/06 - 09/11 Doctor of Philosophy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Alain Fournier Ph.D. Dissertation Award.

10/00 - 06/06 Diplom, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany (summa cum laude)

Best Paper and Demo Awards

2019 Outstanding New Directions Award (Honorable Mention), Scene Representation Networks: Continuous 3D-Structure-Aware Neural Scene Representations, NeurIPS 2019

2018 Best Student Paper (Emil Wolf Student Paper Prize), Optical Convolutional Neural Networks with Optimized Phase Masks for Image Classification, OSA Frontiers in Optics Conference 2018

2018 Best Demo Award (DCEXPO Special Price), Autofocals: gaze-contingent eyeglasses for presbyopes, SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies 2018

2016 Best Paper (Honorable Mention), Convolutional Sparse Coding for High Dynamic Range Imaging, Eurographics 2016

2016 Best Demo Award, Computational Light Field and Monovision Near-eye Displays, IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) 2016

2016 Conference Best Paper for Industry Award, Depth Augmented Stereo Panorama for Cinematic Virtual Reality with Focus Cues, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2016

2014 Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) for the paper "A Switchable Light Field Camera Architecture with Angle Sensitive Pixels and Dictionary-based Sparse Coding"

2013 Best Poster Award at the Computation for Design and Optimization (CDO) Symposium for the Poster "Compressive Cameras and Displays"

2011 Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) for the paper "Hand-Held Schlieren Photography with Light Field Probes"

Awards and Fellowships

2020 SPIE Early Career Achievement Award

2019 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)

2018 ACM SIGGRAPH Significant New Researcher Award

2018 Sloan Fellowship

2018 Qualcomm Faculty Award

2017 Scientist of the Year Award, IS&T Electronic Imaging

2016 NSF CAREER Award

2016 Okawa Research Grant

2015 Google Faculty Research Award

2014 Terman Faculty Fellowship

2012 - 2014 Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

2012 Alain Fournier Ph.D. Dissertation Annual Award (Best Canadian Computer Graphics PhD Thesis in 2011), Awarded at Graphics Interface Conference 2012

2009 - 2011 Theodore E Arnold Fellowship, University of British Columbia

2008 - 2009 Walter C Koerner Fellowship, University of British Columbia

2005 Laval Virtual Award for "Smart Projector", Category Projection Systems, Laval Virtual International Conference on Virtual Reality, 2005

Students supervised

Postdocs Yifan "Evan" Peng, Stanford University (EE)

Chris Metzler, Stanford University (EE)

Julien Martel, Stanford University (EE)

Joshua Rapp, Stanford University (EE)

PhD Isaac Kauvar, Stanford University (EE), 2014-, *co-advised with Karl Deisseroth, NSF GRFP

Robert Konrad, Stanford University (EE), 2015-

Hayato Ikoma, Stanford University (EE), 2016-

Nitish Padmanaban, Stanford University (EE), 2016-, NSF GRFP

David Lindell, Stanford University (EE), 2016-, Stanford SGF

Vincent Sitzmann, Stanford University (EE), 2017-, Stanford SGF

Mark Nishimura, Stanford University (EE), 2018-

Brooke Krajancich, Stanford University (EE), 2018-, Knight-Hennessy Scholar

Alex W. Bergmann, Stanford University (EE), 2018-, Stanford SGF

Undergrads Anastasios Nikolas Angelopoulos, Stanford University (EE), 2018-

Amit Pal Kohli, Stanford University (EE), 2019-

Aaron Zachary Reed, Stanford University (EE), 2019-

High School Anthony Parra, Downtown College Prep Alum Rock High School, San Jose CA, Summer of 2019

Jason Corona, South San Francisco High School CA, Summer of 2019

Andrea Horvath, Aragon House High School CA, Summer of 2017

Andrea Horvath, Aragon House High School CA, Summer of 2016

Passa Pungchai, Mountain House High School CA, Summer of 2015

Alumni Matthew O'Toole, Stanford University, Postdoc 2016 - 2018, now Assistant Professor (CS) at CMU

Felix Heide, Stanford University, Visiting Student 2014 - 2016, Postdoc 2016 - 2018, now Assistant Professor (CS) at Princeton

Donald Dansereau, Stanford University, Postdoc 2016 - 2018, now Assistant Professor (ME) at University of Sydney

Michael Broxton, Stanford University, Postdoc 2017 - 2018, now at Google

Julie Chang, Stanford University, PhD student (BioE), 2015-2019, NSF GRFP, now at Apple

Samuel Yang, Stanford University, PhD student (EE) 2014-2016, *co-advised with Karl Deisseroth, NDSEG GF, now at Google

Rose Rustowicz, Stanford University, MSc student (EE) 2017-2018

Keenan Molner, Stanford University, MSc student (EE) 2016-2017, now at Apple

Shikhar Shrestha, Stanford University, MSc student (ME) 2014-2016, now CEO at Ambient.ai

Liang Shi, Stanford University, MSc student (EE) 2014-2016, now PhD at MIT

Xuemei Hu, Tsinghua University, Visiting Student 2015-2016

Mentorship Matthew Hirsch, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011-2014, now at Lumii Inc.

Belen Masia, University of Zaragoza, 2011-2014, now Assistant Professor at University of Zaragoza

Ana Serrano, University of Zaragoza, Visiting Student 2016, 2017, now at University of Zaragoza

Fu-Chung Huang, UC Berkeley, 2013-2015, now at Apple

Andrew Maimone, UNC Chapel Hill, 2013-2015, now at Oculus Research

Kshitij Marwah, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011-2013

Xing Lin, Tsinghua University, 2012-2015, now Postdoc at UCLA

Genzhi Ye, Tsinghua University, 2012-2013, now at Google

Chenguang Ma, Tsinghua University, 2012-2013

Di Wu, Tsinghua University, 2011-2012

Max Grosse, Bauhaus University, 2009-2010, now at Disney Research


2020 V. Sitzmann*, J. Martel*, A. Bergman, D. Lindell, G. Wetzstein "Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions", arxiv, 2020

D. Faccio, A. Velten, G. Wetzstein "Non-line-of-sight Imaging", Nature Reviews Physics, 2020

G. Wetzstein, I. Kauvar "Optically sensing neural activity without imaging", Nature Photonics, News & Views, 2020

R. Konrad, A. Agelopolous, G. Wetzstein "Gaze-contingent Ocular Parallax Rendering for Virtual Reality", ACM Transactions on Graphics (presented at SIGGRAPH), 2020

S. Young, D. Lindell, B. Girod, D. Taubman, G. Wetzstein "Non-line-of-sight Surface Reconstruction Using the Directional Light-cone Transform", CVPR 2020 (oral)

C. Metzler, Hayato Ikoma, Y. Peng, G. Wetzstein "Deep Optics for Single-shot High-dynamic-range Imaging", CVPR 2020 (oral)

M. Nishimura, D.B. Lindell, C. Metzler, G. Wetzstein "Disambiguating Monocular Depth Estimation with a Single Transient", ECCV 2020

B. Krajancich*, N. Padmanaban*, G. Wetzstein "Factored Occlusion: Single Spatial Light Modulator Occlusion-capable Optical See-through Augmented Reality Display", IEEE TVCG (Proc. VR), 2020

J. Martel, L. Muller, S. Carey, P. Dudek, G. Wetzstein "Neural Sensors: Optimizing Pixel Exposures for HDR Imaging and Video Compressive Sensing with Programmable Sensors", IEEE TPAMI (Proc. ICCP) 2020

A. Bergman, D. Lindell, G. Wetzstein "Deep Adaptive LiDAR: End-to-end Optimization of Sampling and Depth Completion at Low Sampling Rates", IEEE ICCP 2020

A. Tewari et al. "State of the Art on Neural Rendering", Eurographics State of the Art Report, 2020

Z. Sun, D. Lindell, O. Solgaard, G. Wetzstein "SPADnet: deep RGB-SPAD sensor fusion assisted by monocular depth estimation", OSA Optics Express 2020

C. Metzler, G. Wetzstein "Deep S3PR: Simultaneous Source Separation and Phase Retrieval Using Deep Generative Models", arxiv 2020

A. Angelopoulos, J. Martel, A. Kohli, J. Conradt, G. Wetzstein "Event Based, Near Eye Gaze Tracking Beyond 10,000Hz", arxiv 2020

V. Sitzmann*, E. Chan*, R. Tucker, N. Snavely, G. Wetzstein "MetaSDF: Meta-Learning Signed Distance Functions", arxiv, 2020

A. Kohli, V. Sitzmann, G. Wetzstein "Inferring Semantic Information with 3D Neural Scene Representations", arxiv 2020

2019 N. Padmanaban, R. Konrad, G. Wetzstein "Autofocals: Evaluating Gaze-Contingent Eyeglasses for Presbyopes", Science Advances, 2019

V. Sitzmann, M. Zollhoefer, G. Wetzstein "Scene Representation Networks: Continuous 3D-structure-aware Neural Scene Representations", NeurIPS 2019 (oral, acc. rate: 0.5%; Outstanding New Directions Award!)

D. Lindell, G. Wetzstein, M. O'Toole "Wave-based Non-line-of-sight Imaging using Fast fk-Migration", ACM SIGGRAPH, 2019

F. Heide, M. O'Toole, K. Zang, D. Lindell, S. Diamond, G. Wetzstein "Non-line-of-sight Imaging with Partial Occluders and Surface Normals", ACM Transactions on Graphics (presented at SIGGRAPH), 2019

N. Padmanaban, Y. Peng, G. Wetzstein "Holographic Near-Eye Displays Based on Overlap-Add Stereograms", ACM SIGGRAPH Asia, 2019

Y. Peng, Q. Sun, X. Dun, G. Wetzstein, W. Heidrich, F. Heide "Learned Large Field-of-View Imaging With Thin-Plate Optics", ACM SIGGRAPH Asia, 2019

D. Lindell, G. Wetzstein, V. Koltun "Acoustic Non-line-of-sight Imaging", CVPR 2019 (oral)

V. Sitzmann, J. Thies, F. Heide, M. Niessner, G. Wetzstein, M. Zollhoefer "Deep Voxels: Learning Persistent 3D Feature Embeddings", CVPR 2019 (oral)

D. Dansereau, B. Girod, G. Wetzstein "LiFF: Light Field Features in Scale and Depth", CVPR 2019

J. Chang, G. Wetzstein "Deep Optics for Monocular Depth Estimation and 3D Object Detection", ICCV 2019

A. Holsteen, D. Lin, I. Kauvar, G. Wetzstein, M.L. Brongersma "A light-field metasurface for high-resolution single-particle tracking", Nano Letters 2019

K. Rathinavel, G. Wetzstein, H. Fuchs "Varifocal Occlusion-Capable Optical See-through Augmented Reality Display based on Focus-tunable Optics", IEEE TVCG (Proc. ISMAR), 2019

G. Schuster, D. Dansereau, G. Wetzstein, J. Ford "Panoramic single-aperture multi-sensor light field camera", Optics Express, 2019

2018 M. O'Toole, D. Lindell, G. Wetzstein "Confocal Non-line-of-sight Imaging based on the Light-cone Transform", Nature, 2018

J. Chang, V. Sitzmann, X. Dun, W. Heidrich, G. Wetzstein "Hybrid optical-electronic convolutional neural networks with optimized diffractive optics for image classification", Scientific Reports, 2018

F. Heide, S. Diamond, D. B. Lindell, G. Wetzstein "Sub-picosecond photon-efficient 3D imaging using single-photon sensors", Scientific Reports, 2018

H. Ikoma, M. Broxton, T. Kudo, G. Wetzstein "A convex 3D deconvolution algorithm for low photon count fluorescence imaging", Scientific Reports, 2018

D. Lindell, M. O'Toole, G. Wetzstein "Single-Photon 3D Imaging with Deep Sensor Fusion", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2018

V. Sitzmann*, S. Diamond*, Y. Peng*, X. Dun, S. Boyd, W. Heidrich, F. Heide, G. Wetzstein "End-to-end Optimization of Optics and Image Processing for Achromatic Extended Depth of Field and Super-resolution Imaging", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2018 (*joint first authorship)

S. Su, F. Heide, G. Wetzstein, W. Heidrich "Deep End-to-End Time-of-Flight Imaging", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018

S. Li, F. Cropp, K. Kabra, T.J. Lane, G. Wetzstein, P. Musumeci, D. Ratner "Electron Ghost Imaging", Physical review letters 121 (11), 2018

V. Sitzmann, A. Serrano, A. Pavel, M. Agrawala, D. Gutierrez, B. Masia, G. Wetzstein "Saliency in VR: How do people explore virtual environments?", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE Virtual Reality), 2018

N. Padmanaban, T. Ruban, V. Sitzmann, A. Norcia, G. Wetzstein "Towards a Machine-learning Approach for Sickness Prediction in Virtual Environments", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE Virtual Reality), 2018

X. Hu, F. Heide, Q. Dai, G. Wetzstein "Convolutional Sparse Coding for RGB+NIR Imaging", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27 (4), 2018

J. Chang, G. Wetzstein "Single-shot speckle correlation fluorescence microscopy in thick scattering tissue with image reconstruction priors", Journal of biophotonics 11 (3), 2018

S. Hamann, L. Shi, O. Solgaard, G. Wetzstein "Time-multiplexed light field synthesis via factored Wigner distribution function", Optics letters 43 (3), 2018

D. Lindell, M. O'Toole, G. Wetzstein "Towards Transient Imaging at Interactive Rates with Single-photon Detectors", IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 2018

2017 N. Padmanaban, R. Konrad, T. Stramer, E. Cooper, G. Wetzstein "Optimizing virtual reality for all users through gaze-contingent and adaptive focus displays", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), February 2017

R. Konrad, N. Padmanaban, K. Molner, E. Cooper, G. Wetzstein "Accommodation-invariant Computational Near-eye Displays", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2017

A. Serrano, V. Sitzmann, J. Ruiz-Borau, G. Wetzstein, D. Gutierrez, B. Masia "Movie Editing and Cognitive Event Segmentation in Narrative Virtual Reality", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2017

R. Konrad, D. Dansereau, A. Masood, G. Wetzstein "SpinVR: Towards Live-Streaming 3D Virtual Reality Video", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2017

C. Callenberg, F. Heide, G. Wetzstein, M. Hullin "Snapshot Difference Imaging using Time-of-Flight Sensors", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2017

M. O'Toole, F. Heide, D. Lindell, S. Diamond, K. Zang, G. Wetzstein "Reconstructing Transient Images from Single-Photon Sensors", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017

D. Dansereau, G. Schuster, J. Ford, G. Wetzstein "A Wide-Field-of-View Monocentric Light Field Camera", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017

B. Choudhury, R. Swanson, F. Heide, G. Wetzstein, W. Heidrich "Consensus Convolutional Sparse Coding", International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2017

I. Kauvar, J. Chang, G. Wetzstein "Aperture interference and the volumetric resolution of light field fluorescence microscopy", IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 2017

G. Schuster, I. Agurok, J. Ford, D. Dansereau, G. Wetzstein "Panoramic Monocentric Light Field Camera ", OSA Optical Design and Fabrication Congress (IODC), 2017

N. Padmanaban, R. Konrad, G. Wetzstein "Evaluation of Accommodation Response to Monovision for Virtual Reality", OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, 2017

N. Padmanaban, R. Konrad, E. Cooper, G. Wetzstein "Gaze-contingent Adaptive Focus Near-eye Displays", Invited paper at SID Display Week, 2017

S. Diamond, V. Sitzmann, S. Boyd, G. Wetzstein, F. Heide "Dirty Pixels: Optimizing Image Classification Architectures for Raw Sensor Data", arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.06487

2016 F. Heide, S. Diamond, M. Niessner, J. Ragan-Kelly, W. Heidrich, G. Wetzstein "ProxImaL: Efficient Image Optimization using Proximal Algorithms", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2016

S. Shreshtha, F. Heide, W. Heidrich, G. Wetzstein "Computational Imaging with Multi-camera Time-of-Flight Systems", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2016

R. Konrad, E. Cooper, G. Wetzstein "Novel Optical Configurations for Virtual Reality: Evaluating User Preference and Performance with Focus-tunable and Monovision Near-eye Displays", ACM SIGCHI, 2016

J. Chang, I. Kauvar, X. Hu, G. Wetzstein "Variable Aperture Light Field Photography: Overcoming the Diffraction-limited Spatio-angular Resolution Tradeoff", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016

A. Serrano, F. Heide, D. Gutierrez, G. Wetzstein, B. Masia "Convolutional Sparse Coding for High Dynamic Range Imaging", Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics), 2016. Best Paper Honorable Mention!

M. S. Banks, D. M. Hoffman, J. Kim, G. Wetzstein "3D Displays", Annual Review of Vision Science 2 (1)

D. Lin, A.L. Holsteen, E. Maguid, G. Wetzstein, P.G. Kik, E. Hasman, M. Brongersma "Photonic Multitasking Interleaved Si Nanoantenna Phased Array", Nano Letters 16 (12)

J. Thatte, J.B. Boin, H. Lakshman, G. Wetzstein, B. Girod "Depth Augmented Stereo Panorama for Cinematic Virtual Reality with Focus Cues", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). Conference Best Paper for Industry Award!

G. Wetzstein "Light Field, Focus-tunable, and Monovision Near-eye Displays", SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers 47 (1), 358-360

M. H. Kamal, B. Heshmat, R. Raskar, P. Vandergheynst, G. Wetzstein "Tensor low-rank and sparse light field photography", Computer Vision and Image Understanding 145, 172-181

F.C. Huang, R. Konrad, G. Wetzstein "Application of light field displays to vision correction and accommodation support", SPIE Stereoscopic Displays and Applications (Electronic Imaging), 2016

2015 F.C. Huang, K. Chen, G. Wetzstein "The Light Field Stereoscope: Immersive Computer Graphics via Factored Near-Eye Light Field Display with Focus Cues", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2015

F. Heide, W. Heidrich, M. Hullin, G. Wetzstein "Doppler Time-of-Flight Imaging", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2015

I. Kauvar, S. Yang, L. Shi, I. McDowall, G. Wetzstein "Adaptive Color Display via Perceptually-driven Factored Spectral Projection", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2015

S. Yang, W. Allen, I. Kauvar, A. Andalman, N. Young, C. Kim, J. Marshel, G. Wetzstein, K. Deisseroth "Extended Field-of-View and Increased-Signal 3D Holographic Illumination with Time-division Multiplexing", Optics Express, 2015

R. Chen, A. Maimone, H. Fuchs, R. Raskar, G. Wetzstein "Wide Field of View Compressive Light Field Display using a Multilayer Architecture and Tracked Viewers", Journal of the Society for Information Display, 2015

F. Heide, W. Heidrich, G. Wetzstein "Fast and Flexible Convolutional Sparse Coding", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR Oral), 2015

G. Wetzstein "On the Duality of Compressive Light Field Imaging and Display", Invited paper at SID Display Week, 2015

G. Wetzstein "Why People Should Care About Light Field Displays", Invited paper at SID Information Display, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2015

2014 R. Prevedel, Y-G Yoon, M. Hoffmann, N. Pak, G. Wetzstein, S. Kato, T. Schrödel, R. Raskar, M. Zimmer, E. Boyden, A. Vaziri "Simultaneous whole-animal 3D-imaging of neuronal activity using light-field microscopy", Nature Methods 2014. Cover feature of the Nature Methods July Issue!

F.C. Huang, G. Wetzstein, B. Barsky, R. Raskar "Eyeglasses-free Display: Towards Correcting Visual Aberrations with Computational Light Field Displays", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH) 2014

M. Hirsch*, G. Wetzstein*, R. Raskar "A Compressive Light Field Projection System", (* joint first authors), ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH) 2014

G. Ye, S. Jolly, M. Bove, Q. Dai, R. Raskar, G. Wetzstein "Toward BxDF Display using Multilayer Diffraction", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia) 2014

G. Wetzstein, W. Heidrich, R. Raskar "Computational Schlieren Photography with Light Field Probes", International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Volume 110, Issue 2, Page 113-127

D. Wu, G. Wetzstein, C. Barsi, T. Willwacher, Q. Dai, R. Raskar "Ultra-fast Lensless Computational Imaging through 5D Frequency Analysis of Time-resolved Light Transport", International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Volume 110, Issue 2 (2014), Page 128-140

C. Ma, X. Ling, J. Suo, Q. Dai, R. Raskar, G. Wetzstein "Transparent Object Reconstruction via Coded Transport of Intensity", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR Oral) 2014

F. Heide, J. Gregson, G. Wetzstein, R. Raskar, W. Heidrich "Compressive multi-mode superresolution display", OSA Optics Express 2014

H. Ikoma, B. Heshmat, G. Wetzstein, R. Raskar "Attenuation-corrected fluorescence spectra unmixing for spectroscopy and microscopy", OSA Optics Express 2014.

M. Hirsch, S. Jayasuriya, S. Sivaranakrishnan, A. Wang, A. Molnar, R. Raskar, G. Wetzstein "A Switchable Light Field Camera Architecture with Angle Sensitive Pixels and Dictionary-based Sparse Coding", IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) 2014. Best Paper Award!

X. Ling, G. Wetzstein, Y. Liu, Q. Dai "Dual-coded Compressive Hyper-spectral Imaging", OSA Optics Letters (Journal), 39 (7)

A. Maimone, R. Chen, H. Fuchs, R. Raskar, G. Wetzstein "Wide-Field-of-View Compressive Light-Field Display Using a Multilayered Architecture and Viewer Tracking", Society for Information Displays SID Digest 2014

B. Barsky, FC. Huang, D. Lanman, G. Wetzstein, R. Ramesh "Vision Correcting Displays Based on Inverse Blurring and Aberration Compensation", ECCV 2014 Workshops, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8927, 2014

H. Ikoma, B. Heshmat, G. Wetzstein, R. Raskar "Nonlinear Fluorescence Spectra Unmixing", OSA Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2014

2013 K. Marwah, G. Wetzstein, Y. Bando, R. Raskar "Compressive Light Field Photography using Overcomplete Dictionaries and Optimized Projections", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH) 2013

F. Heide, G. Wetzstein, R. Raskar, W. Heidrich "Adaptive Image Synthesis for Compressive Displays", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH) 2013

A. Maimone, G. Wetzstein, D. Lanman, M. Hirsch, R. Raskar, H. Fuchs "Focus 3D: Compressive Accommodation Display", ACM Transactions on Graphics (Journal), 32 (5), 2013

G. Wetzstein, I. Ihrke, W. Heidrich "On Plenoptic Multiplexing and Reconstruction", International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Volume 101, Issue 2, Pages 384-400

B. Masia, G. Wetzstein, P. Didyk, D. Gutierrez "A survey on computational displays: Pushing the boundaries of optics, computation, and perception", Computer & Graphics (Journal), 37 (8)

B. Masia, G.Wetzstein, C. Aliaga, R. Raskar, D. Gutierrez "Display Adaptive 3D Content Remapping", Computer & Graphics (Journal), Volume 37, Issue 8, Pages 983–996

C. Ma, J. Suo, Q. Dai, R. Raskar, G. Wetzstein "High-rank Coded Aperture Projection for Extended Depth of Field", IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) 2013

X. Lin, J. Suo, G. Wetzstein, Q. Dai, R. Raskar "Coded Focal Stack Photography", IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) 2013

A. Kadambi, H. Ikoma, X. Lin, G. Wetzstein, R. Raskar "Subsurface Enhancement through Sparse Representations of Multispectral Direct/Global Decomposition, OSA International Conference on Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI) 2013

Huang, F-C., Wetzstein, G., Barsky, B., Raskar, R. "Computational Light Field Display for Correcting Visual Aberrations", ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Poster

2012 G. Wetzstein, D. Lanman, M. Hirsch, R. Raskar "Tensor Displays: Compressive Light Field Display using Multilayer Displays with Directional Backlighting", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH) 2012. SIGGRAPH 2012 Paper Highlight, Emerging Technologies Highlight, and featured in New Scientist, The Boston Globe, engadget, slashdot, and many more!

G. Wetzstein, D. Lanman, M. Hirsch, W. Heidrich, R. Raskar "Compressive Light Field Displays", Computer Graphics & Applications, Volume 32, Number 5, 2012

D. Wu, G. Wetzstein, C. Barsi, T. Willwacher, M. O'Toole, N. Naik, Q. Dai, K. Kutulakos, R. Raskar " Frequency Analysis of Transient Light Transport with Applications in Bare Sensor Imaging", European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2012

G. Wetzstein, I. Ihrke, D. Lanman, W. Heidrich, K. Akeley, R. Raskar "Computational Plenoptic Imaging", ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Course

G. Wetzstein, D. Lanman, D. Gutierrez, M. Hirsch "Computational Displays", ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Course. SIGGRAPH 2012 Courses Highlight!

A. Arpa, G. Wetzstein, D. Lanman, R. Raskar "Single Lens Off-Chip Cellphone Microscopy", IEEE Int. Workshop on Projector-Camera Systems (PROCAMS) 2012. Best Paper Honorable Mention!

G. Wetzstein, D. Lanman, M. Hirsch, R. Raskar "Real-time Image Generation for Compressive Light Field Displays", OSA Int. Symposium on Display Holography 2012

D. Lanman, G. Wetzstein, M. Hirsch, W. Heidrich, R. Raskar "Beyond Parallax Barriers: Applying Formal Optimization Methods to Multi-Layer Automultiscopic Displays", SPIE Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII 2012

E. Iffa, G. Wetzstein, W. Heidrich "Light Field Optical Flow for Refractive Surface Reconstruction" SPIE Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXV 2012

Lanman, D., Wetzstein, G., Hirsch, M., Raskar, R. "Depth of Field Analysis for Multilayer Automultiscopic Displays", OSA Int. Symposium on Display Holography 2012

Hirsch, M., Lanman, D., Wetzstein, G., Raskar, R. "Construction and Calibration of LCD-based Multi-Layer Light Field Displays", OSA Int. Symposium on Display Holography 2012

Marwah, K., Wetzstein, G., Veeraraghavan, A., Raskar, R. "Compressive Light Field Photography", ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Talk

Lawson, E., Boggess, J., Khullar, S., Olwal, A., Wetzstein, G., Raskar, R. "Computational Retinal Imaging via Binocular Coupling and Indirect Illumination", ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Talk

Masia, B., Wetzstein, G., Aliaga, C., Raskar, R., Gutierrez, D. "Perceptually-optimized Content Remapping for Computational 3D Displays", ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Poster

2011 Wetzstein, G., Lanman, D., Heidrich, W., Raskar, R. "Layered 3D: Tomographic Image Synthesis for Attenuation-based Light Field and High Dynamic Range Displays", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH) 2011. SIGGRAPH 2011 Paper Highlight, Proceedings Cover Feature, and featured in The Boston Globe!

Lanman, D., Wetzstein, G., Hirsch, M., Heidrich, W., Raskar, R. "Polarization Fields: Dynamic Light Field Display using Multi-Layer LCDs", ACM Transactions on Graphics (Siggraph Asia) 2011. Featured in The Boston Globe!

Wetzstein, G., Ihrke, I., Lanman, D., Heidrich, W. "Computational Plenoptic Imaging", Computer Graphics Forum (Journal), Volume 30, Issue 8, pp. 2397–2426, 2011

Wetzstein, G., Roodnick, D., Heidrich, W., Raskar, R. "Refractive Shape from Light Field Distortion", IEEE International Conference on Computational Vision (ICCV) 2011

Wetzstein, G., Raskar, R., Heidrich, W. "Hand-Held Schlieren Photography with Light Field Probes", IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) 2011, Best Paper Award!

Wetzstein, G., Ihrke, I., Lanman, D., Heidrich, W. "State of the Art in Computational Plenoptic Imaging", Eurographics (EG) STAR 2011

Wetzstein, G., Ihrke, I., Gokov, A., Heidrich, W. "Towards a Database of High-dimensional Plenoptic Images", IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP Poster) 2011

2010 Ihrke, I., Wetzstein, G., Heidrich, W., "A Theory of Plenoptic Multiplexing", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) with oral presentation, 2010

Wetzstein, G., Ihrke, I., Heidrich, W., "Sensor Saturation in Fourier Multiplexed Imaging", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2010

Grosse, M., Wetzstein, G., Grundhoefer, A., Bimber, O., "Coded Aperture Projection", Transactions on Graphics (Journal) 29:3, 2010, Presented at ACM SIGGRAPH 2010

Wetzstein, G., Luebke, D., and Heidrich, W., "Optical Image Processing Using Light Modulation Displays", Computer Graphics Forum (Journal), Volume 29, Issue 6, pages 1934-1944, 2010

2009 Grosse, M., Wetzstein, G., Grundhoefer, A., Bimber, O., "Adaptive Coded Aperture Projection", ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 Talk

2008 Bimber, O., Iwai, D., Wetzstein, G., and Grundhoefer, A., "The Visual Computing of Projector-Camera Systems", In Computer Graphics Forum (Journal), Volume 27, Number 8, pp. 2219-2245, 2008

2007 Wetzstein, G. and Bimber, O., "Radiometric Compensation through Inverse Light Transport", In Proceedings of Pacific Graphics, pp. 391-399, 2007

Bimber, O., Iwai, D., Wetzstein, G., and Grundhoefer, A., "The Visual Computing of Projector-Camera Systems", Eurographics State of the Art Report, 2007

Wetzstein, G., Goellner, C.M., Beck, S., Feiszig, F., Derkau, S., Springer, J., Froehlich, B., "HECTOR - Scripting-Based VR System Design", ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Poster, 2007. ACM SIGGRAPH Student Research Competition Semi-Finalist!

2006 Wetzstein, G. and Bimber, O., "Radiometric Compensation of Global Illumination Effects with Projector-Camera Systems", ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Poster. ACM SIGGRAPH Student Research Competition Semi-Finalist!

Wuethrich, C. A., Augusto, J., Banisch, S., Wetzstein, G., Musialski, P., Hofmann, T. "Real Time Simulation of Elastic Latex Hand Puppets", International Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG), 2006

2005 Bimber, O., Wetzstein, G., Emmerling, A., and Nitschke, C. "Enabling View-Dependent Stereoscopic Projection in Real Environments", ACM SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies and International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2005

Bimber, O., Wetzstein, G., Emmerling, A., and Nitschke, C. "Enabling View-Dependent Stereoscopic Projection in Real Environments", ACM SIGGRAPH Sketches and Applications, 2005.

Bimber, O., Zeidler, T., Grundhoefer, A., Wetzstein, G., Moehring, M., Knoedel, S., and Hahne, U. "Interacting with Augmented Holograms", In proceedings of SPIE Conference on Practical Holography XIX: Materials and Applications, 2005

Stephenson, P., Jungclaus, J., Branco, P., Horvatic, P., Wetzstein, G., Encarnacao, L. M. "The Interactive Aquarium : Game-Based Interfaces and Wireless Technologies for Future-Generation Edutainment", In TESI 2005 Conference Proceedings CD-ROM : Training, Education & Simulation International, 2005

2004 Wetzstein, G., Stephenson P. "Towards a Workflow and Interaction Framework for Virtual Aquaria", IEEE VR Workshop VR for Public Consumption, 2004

2003 Bimber, O., Grundhoefer, A., Wetzstein, G., and Knoedel S. "Consistent Illumination within Optical See-Through Augmented Environments", In proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Augmented and Mixed Reality (ISMAR), pp. 198-207, 2003

Bimber, O., Grundhoefer, A., Wetzstein, G., and Knoedel S. "Consistent Illumination within Optical See-Through Augmented Environments", ACM SIGGRAPH 2003 Sketches and Applications

Keynotes and Invited Talks

2020 Keynote, "Recent Advances in Computational Imaging", CVPR Workshop on Computational Cameras and Displays (CCD), 06/2020

Invited Talk, "Holographic and Near-eye Light Field Displays", OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, 06/2020

Invited Talk, "Computational Single-photon Imaging", Northwestern University, Computer Science Department, 06/2020

Invited Talk, "Efficient non-line-of-sight imaging with computational single-photon imaging", SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, 04/2020

Invited Talk, "Computational Near-eye Displays with Focus Cues", University of North Carolina (UNC), Computer Science Department Seminar, 02/2020

Invited Talk, "Computational Single-photon Imaging", University of North Carolina (UNC), Applied Physical Sciences Department Seminar, 02/2020

Keynote, "Computational Imaging at Stanford", Google Computational Imaging Workshop, 02/2020

Invited Talk, "Computational Near-eye Displays and Electronic Eyewear with Focus Cues", SPIE AR/VR/MR Conference, 02/2020

Invited Talk, "Computational Near-eye Displays with Focus Cues", Society for Information Displays (SID) LA Symposium, 02/2020

2019 Invited Talk, "Computational Near-eye Displays and Electronic Eyewear with Focus Cues", Dagstuhl Seminar on Real VR - Importing the Real World into Immersive VR and Optimizing the Perceptual Experience of Head-mounted Displays, 07/2019

Invited Talk, "Computational Near-eye Displays and Electronic Eyewear with Focus Cues", IEEE Int. Conference on Computer Vision (CVPR) Workshop on Computer Vision for AR/VR, 06/2019

Invited Talk, "Computational Single-photon Imaging", Institute for Science and Technology (IST) Austria, 06/2019

Invited Talk, "Computational Single-photon Imaging", OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, 06/2019

Invited Talk, "Computational Single-photon Imaging", Max Planck Institute for Informatics, 06/2019

Invited Talk, "AR/VR Displays with Focus Cues and Digital Eyeglasses", Augmented World Expo, 05/2019

Invited Talk, "Computational Single-photon Imaging", Army Research Office, 04/2019

Invited Talk, "The Future of Head Mounted Displays", IEEE VR Conference, 03/2019

2018 Invited Talks, "Computational Single-photon Imaging", Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Imaging Science 06/2018, Waymo 04/2018, International SPAD Sensor Workshop (ISSW) 02/2018, EPFL 02/2018, ETH 02/2018,

Invited Talk (department seminar), "Computational Near-eye Displays with Focus Cues", University of Washington 06/2018

Invited Talks, "Computational Near-eye Displays with Focus Cues", Symposium on Information Displays (SID) Display Week 05/2018, OSA Applied Optics and Imaging Conference 06/2018, Intel 10/2018

Invited Talk, "The Deep Computational Camera", Corning 09/2018

2017 Plenary Talk, "VR2.0: Making Virtual Reality Better Than Reality?", IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, 01/2017

Keynote, "Computational Near-eye Displays", Augmented Human Conference, 02/2017

Keynote, "Computational Near-eye Displays", Marvin Minsky Memorial Lecture on Imaging Science, MIT Media Lab, 05/2017

Invited Talk, "Computational Near-eye Displays", Rice University, 11/2017

2016 Keynote, "Computational Near-eye Displays", CVPR Int. Workshop on Computational Cameras and Displays, 06/2016

Invited Talk, "Engineering the Future of Computational Near-eye Displays", National Academy of Engineering, Frontiers of Engineering, 09/2016

Invited Talk, "Light Field, Focus-tunable, and Monovision Near-eye Displays", SID Display Week, 05/2016

Invited Talk, "Computational Imaging at the Diffraction Limit", King Abdulla University of Science and Technology (KAUST), 03/2016

Invited Talks, "Computational Near-eye Displays", Apple, Intel, Huawei, Meta, 01-03/2016

2015 Invited Talks, "Emerging Trends and Applications in Light Field Displays", Stanford SCIEN Workshop on Light Field Imaging, Google X, HP, IEEE Photonics Society (Bay Area), Stanford/Columbia Brown Institute, 01-05/2015

Invited Talk, "Computational Displays", King Abdulla University of Science and Technology (KAUST), 03/2015

Invited Talk, "Emerging Trends and Applications of Light Field Displays", OSA Fall Vision Meeting, 10/2015

Invited Talk, "Computational Light Field Near-eye Displays", SID Display Week, 05/2015

2014 Keynote, "Crafting Light by Hacking Pixels", European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Workshop on Light Fields (Zurich, Switzerland)

Keynote, "A New Area in Computational Displays", SPIE Stereoscopic Displays and Applications (San Francisco, USA)

Invited Talk, "Compressive Light Field Displays", OSA Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI) (Kohala Coast, USA), 06/2014

Invited Talks (department seminars), "Compressive Imaging and Display Systems", Stanford University 04/2014, Carnegie Mellon University 03/2014, UC San Diego 03/2014, Rochester Institute of Technology 03/2014, University of Waterloo 02/2014, University of Rochester 02/2014, Rutgers University 02/2014, Inria Sophia-Antipolis 01/2014

Invited Talk, "Open Hardware and Emerging Computational Imaging Systems", Photonik Kongress of the German Research Council, 01/2014

2013 Keynote, "Compressive Light Field Displays", CUSO Winter School on Computational Photography and Display (Lenk, Switzerland)

Invited Talks, "Compressive Cameras and Displays", NEC Corporation, Olympus, Fujitsu, Toshiba Corporation, Loftworks, Keio University, Kozo Keikaku Engineering, Denso IT (Tokyo and Yokohama, Japan), 06-07/2013

Invited Talk, "An Overview of Computational Imaging Research at MIT", US Patent and Trademark Office (Washington DC, USA)

Invited Talk, "Compressive Light Field Displays", International Conference on Computational Photography (Cambridge, USA)

2012 Invited Talks, "Compressive Light Field Displays", Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh), Microsoft Research Asia (Beijing, China), Tsinghua University (Beijing, China), HP Research Labs (USA), Telecom ParisTech (Paris, France), Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik (Saarbruecken, Germany), Eberhard Karls Universitaet (Tuebingen, Germany), Disney Research (Zuerich, Switzerland), 07-09/2012

Invited Talk, "Computational Multilayer Light Field Displays", University of Toronto 01/2012, Rochester Institute of Technology 01/2012

2010 Invited Talk, "Computational Light Modulation for Image Acquisition and Display", Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik (Saarbruecken, Germany)

2006 Invited Talk, "Reverse Radiosity: Compensating Indirect Scattering for Immersive and Semi-Immersive Projection Displays", University of Otago (Dunedin, New Zealand)

2005 Invited Talk, "Enabling View-Dependent Stereoscopic Projection in Real Environments", Hitlab (Christchurch, New Zealand)

Invited Talk, "Combining Holograms with interactive Computer Graphics", University of Otago (Dunedin, New Zealand)


2019/2020 "EE 367 / CS 448I: Computational Imaging and Display", Stanford University, 2019/2020 winter quarter (Instructor)

"EE 267: Virtual Reality", Stanford University, 2019/2020 spring quarter (Instructor)

"EE 292E: Seminar Series for Image Systems Engineering", Stanford University, 2019/2020 autumn, winter, and spring quarter (Co-instructor)

"End-to-end Optimization of Optics and Imaging Processing for Domain-specific Cameras", ACM SIGGRAPH 2020 Course, (Co-instructor)

2018/2019 "EE 367 / CS 448I: Computational Imaging and Display", Stanford University, 2018/2019 winter quarter (Instructor)

"EE 267: Virtual Reality", Stanford University, 2018/2019 spring quarter (Instructor)

"EE 292E: Seminar Series for Image Systems Engineering", Stanford University, 2018/2019 autumn, winter, and spring quarter (Co-instructor)

Short Course on "Virtual Reality Technology", Society for Information Displays (SID) Display Week, 05/2019

Seminar on "Computational Displays with Focus Cues", Society for Information Displays (SID) Display Week, 05/2019

2017/2018 "EE 367 / CS 448I: Computational Imaging and Display", Stanford University, 2017/2018 winter quarter (Instructor)

"EE 267: Virtual Reality", Stanford University, 2017/2018 spring quarter (Instructor)

"EE 292E: Seminar Series for Image Systems Engineering", Stanford University, 2017/2018 autumn, winter, and spring quarter (Co-instructor)

2016/2017 "EE 368 / CS 232: Digital Image Processing", Stanford University, 2016/2017 autumn quarter (Instructor)

"EE 367 / CS 448I: Computational Imaging and Display", Stanford University, 2016/2017 winter quarter (Instructor)

"EE 267: Virtual Reality", Stanford University, 2016/2017 spring quarter (Instructor)

"Build Your Own VR Display", ACM SIGGRAPH Course, 2017 (Organizer and Co-instructor)

"Applications of Visual Perception to Virtual Reality Rendering", ACM SIGGRAPH Course, 2017 (Co-instructor)

2015/2016 "EE 368 / CS 232: Digital Image Processing", Stanford University, 2015/2016 autumn quarter (Instructor)

"Designing Civic Technologies with Virtual Reality", Stanford University d.school, 2015/2016 autumn quarter (Instructor)

"EE 367 / CS 448I: Computational Imaging and Display", Stanford University, 2015/2016 winter quarter (Instructor)

"EE 267: Virtual Reality", Stanford University, 2015/2016 spring quarter (Instructor)

2014/2015 "EE 367 / CS 448I: Computational Imaging and Display", Stanford University, 2014/2015 winter quarter (Instructor)

"EE 368 / CS 232: Digital Image Processing", Stanford University, 2014/2015 spring quarter (Instructor)

2014 "MAS.132/MAS.532: Mathematical Methods in Imaging", MIT Media Lab (Co-Instructor)

"Computational Cameras and Displays", ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Course, with Matthew O'Toole.

2013 "Compressive Computational Photography and Display", Industry R&D Seminar, Tokyo, Japan (Instructor)

"MAS.132/MAS.532 Mathematical Methods in Imaging", MIT Media Lab (Co-Instructor)

"Computational Displays", Eurographics Tutorial (Organizer and Co-Instructor)

2012 "MAS.131/531 Computational Cameras and Photography", MIT Media Lab (Co-Instructor)

"MAS.132/532 Future of Imaging", MIT Media Lab (Co-Instructor)

"Computational Plenoptic Imaging", ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Course (Organizer and Co-Instructor)

"Computational Displays", ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Course (Organizer and Co-Instructor). SIGGRAPH 2012 Courses Highlight!

2011 "Computational Plenoptic Imaging", Eurographics 2011 State of the Art Report and Tutorial (Organizer and Co-Instructor)

2007 "The Visual Computing of Projector-Camera Systems". Eurographics 2007 State of the Art Report and Tutorial (Co-Instructor and Co-Author)

"CS314 Introduction to Computer Graphics", University of British Columbia (Teaching Assistant)

2006 "CS121 Models of Computation", University of British Columbia (Teaching Assistant)

2002 Computer Graphics Lab, Bauhaus-University Weimar (Teaching Assistant)


Assoc. Editor Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group, since 2015

IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, since 2016

OSA Optics Express, since 2019

Program Chair Banff International Research Station, Workshop on Computational Light Transport, Conference Chair 2019

Pacific Graphics, Program Co-chair 2019

International Conference on Computational Photograpy (ICCP), Conference Chair 2017

ACM SIGGRAPH, Courses Chair 2016

IEEE CVPR Workshop on Computational Cameras and Displays (CCD, merged with the PROCAM workshops) 2013

IEEE CVPR Workshop on Computational Cameras and Displays (CCD) 2012

Program Committee ACM SIGGRAPH Technical Papers 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018

ACM SIGGRAPH General Submissions (Courses, Panels, Talks, Posters, E-Tech, Studio) 2012, 2015, 2016

ACM SIGGRAPH Asia, Technical Papers 2015

ACM SIGGRAPH Asia, Emerging Technologies 2013 - 2014

ACM SIGGRAPH Asia, Worshops 2014

Int. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Area Chair 2018

International Conference on Computational Photograpy (ICCP) 2013 - 2019

IEEE CVPR Workshop on Computational Cameras and Displays (CCD) 2012 - 2019

OSA Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI) 2015 - 2019

Eurographics, Technical Papers 2015

Eurographics, Short Papers 2014

Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2014

Pacific Graphics 2014


International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/Graphics) 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019

ACCV International Workshop on Computational Photography and Low-Level Vision 2012

IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2010

IEEE International Workshop on Projector-Camera Systems (PROCAMS) 2007

Member ACM, SPIE, OSA, IEEE Special Interest Group on Computational Imaging

Senior Member IEEE

Grant Reviewer / Panelist National Science Foundation (NSF) 2016, 2017, 2018

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) 2017, 2018

Public Demonstrations

2018 N. Padmanaban, R. Konrad, G. Wetzstein "Autofocals: gaze-contingent eyeglasses for presbyopes", ACM SIGGRAPH 2018 Emerging Technologies

M. O'Toole, D. Lindell, G. Wetzstein "Real-time non-line-of-sight imaging", ACM SIGGRAPH 2018 Emerging Technologies

M. O'Toole, D. Lindell, G. Wetzstein "Confocal Non-line-of-sight Imaging", CVPR 2018 Demos

2016 R. Konrad, N. Padmanaban, E. Cooper, G. Wetzstein "Computational Focus-tunable Near-eye Displays", ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 Emerging Technologies

R. Konrad, F. Huang, G. Wetzstein "Light Field and Focus-tunable Near-eye Displays", Int. Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) 2016. Best Demo Award!

2015 F. Heide, M. Hulling, W. Heinrich, G. Wetzstein "Doppler Time-of-Flight Imaging", ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Emerging Technologies

F. Huang, D. Luebke, G. Wetzstein "The Light Field Stereoscope", ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Emerging Technologies

2014 M. Hirsch, G. Wetzstein, R. Raskar "A Compressive Light Field Projection System", ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Emerging Technologies

2013 M. Hirsch, D. Lanman, G. Wetzstein, R. Raskar "Tensor Displays", Int. Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) 2013

2012 M. Hirsch, D. Lanman, G. Wetzstein, R. Raskar "Tensor Displays", ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Emerging Technologies

2005 O. Bimber, G. Wetzstein, A. Emerging, C. Nitschke "View-dependent Stereoscopic Projection onto Everyday Surfaces", ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Emerging Technologies


2017 M.A. Klug, R. Konrad, G. Wetzstein, B.T. Schowengerdt, M.B. Vaughn "System and method for presenting image content on multiple depth planes by providing multiple intra-pupil parallax views", US Patent Application 15/789,895

2017 G. Wetzstein, R. Konrad "Accommodation-invariant Computational Near-eye Display", US Patent Application

2016 D. Lin, M. Brongersma, P. Kik, G. Wetzstein "Light-field Imaging Using a Gradient Metasurface Optical Element", US Patent Application

2015 I. Kauvar, S. Yang, G. Wetzstein "A Factored Spectral Projection System", US Patent Application

2015 F. Heide, W. Heidrich, M. Hullin, G. Wetzstein "Doppler Time-of-Flight Imaging", US Patent Application

2014 F.C. Huang, G. Wetzstein, B. Barsky, R. Raskar "Vision-correcting Display", US Patent Application

2014 G. Wetzstein, D. Lanman, M. Hirsch, R. Raskar "Tensor Displays", US Patent (US 8,848,006 B2)

2013 K. Marwah, G. Wetzstein, R. Raskar "Compressive Light Field Photography", US Patent Application

2013 F. Heide, G. Wetzstein, J. Gregson, R. Raskar, W. Heidrich "Compressive Superresolution Display", US Patent Application

2013 M. Hirsch, G. Wetzstein, V. Lee, R. Raskar "A Compressive Light Field Projection System", US Patent Application

2011 D. Lanman, G. Wetzstein, M. Hirsch, W. Heidrich, R. Raskar "Polarization Fields", US Patent 2014/8,651,678 B2

2010 G. Wetzstein, I. Ihrke, W. Heidrich "Multiplexed Imaging", US Patent 2011/0267482 A1 (licensed by Dolby Laboratories)

2010 Grosse, M., Wetzstein, G., Bimber, O., Grundhofer A. "Coded Aperture Projection", US Patent Application

2005 Bimber, O., Emmerling, A., Wetzstein, G., and Nitschke, C., and Klemmer, T. "Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Darstellung eines digitalen Bildes auf einer geometrisch und photometrisch nicht-trivialen Oberflaehe", German Patent Application