Current lab members   |   Emeriti   |   Openings   |   Prospective students

Current lab members

Sam Heft-Neal | Research scholar

Vaibhav Rathi | Research associate

Anne Driscoll | Research associate

Marissa Childs | EIPER PhD student

Casey Maue | EIPER PhD student

David Gonzalez | EIPER PhD student

Garrett Albistegui Adler | EIPER PhD student

Nathan Ratledge | EIPER PhD student

Jeff Wen | ESS PhD student

Brandon de la Cuesta | King Center postdoc

Hemant Pullabhotla | FSE postdoc

Matthieu Stigler | FSE postdoc

Patrick Behrer | FSE postdoc

Jerry Min | Research associate




 who role in lab  last known coordinates
 Anthony D'Agostino
 postdoc  research economist at Mathematica
 Patrick Baylis  postdoc  asst prof, UBC econ
 Elinor Benami  Phd student asst prof, Virginia Tech ag econ
 Matt Davis
 RA  PhD student in econ, Columbia
 Miyuki Hino 
 Phd student  asst prof, UNC urban design
 Vincent Tanutama
 RA  PhD student in public policy, UChicago
 Jenny Xie
 RA  PhD student in marketing, Wharton


FSE has a standing postdoc, information here.

I also hire full time RA's in most years, which will be posted on the Stanford jobs site (look for Center on Food Security and the Environment). 

For prospective students: I'm always interested in good new PhD students, and I encourage students who are broadly interested in my area of research (the economic and social consequences of environmental change) and in the stuff I'm currently working on to check out both the Earth Systems Science program and the E-IPER program — the two programs with which I am affiliated.

I am particularly excited about prospective students with (i) strong quantitative backgrounds, and/or (ii) commitments to developing both their econometric and computational skills, and interests in applying these skills to questions about how humans shape and are shaped by their environment. I also welcome students with strong interests in quantitative fieldwork in developing countries, even if these interests are more "development" than "environment" in focus. If you fit broadly into one of these bins, and are interested in either the ESS or E-IPER programs, I strongly encourage you to apply. You are also welcome to email me, but due to high email volume my policy is to follow up with students after they've been short-listed for either the E-IPER or ESS programs, so please don't be discouraged if I don't reply.

Importantly:  you do not have to apply to the masters program if you want to get a PhD but do not yet have a masters. We admit people directly to the PhD program, and I personally rarely take terminal masters students. So if you want a PhD, please apply to the PhD prgrams.

Importantly, part 2: when applying, please highlight your research experience, and some specific ideas of research questions you'd like to work on.  The latter is not a committment to work on a specific topic, but a signal that you can (and have) thought clearly about research questions and are prepared to get started on research.

Finally, Stanford is a truly excellent place for interdisciplinary-minded students who are also looking for a more traditional grounding in graduate-level economics. Both the E-IPER and Earth System Science programs encourage students to take core courses in Econ, as do I, and Stanford has recently become incredibly strong in a range of applied economics topics. So more "traditional" econ students are also encouraged to get in touch.