© Robert Siegel
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Ponderosa Elementary 2020

"What is Life?""

ponderosa elementary 2020

"What is Life" talk
Ponderosa Elementary
March 6, 2020
Mary Medoff's iPhone


The schoolyard - where is Julio?

ponderosa elementary 2020

"What is Life" talk
Ponderosa Elementary
March 6, 2020
Canon 7Dmark2


Ponderosa Bob

ponderosa elementary 2020

"What is Life" talk
Ponderosa Elementary
March 6, 2020
Canon 7Dmark2


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Modified: March 12, 2020
Created: March 12, 2020 (from ponderos.html
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.