© Robert Siegel
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Anne Firth Murray photo page

Reunion imminent

Breakfast club

Kwame, Melanie, Anne
Breakfast club
Arcadia Place
March 25, 2017
Canon rebel T5i


Something's going on

Breakfast club

Wendy, Melanie, Kwame, Anne
Breakfast club
Arcadia Place
March 25, 2017
Canon rebel T5i


The big reveal

Breakfast club

Wendy, Melanie, Kwame, Anne
Breakfast club
Arcadia Place
March 25, 2017
Canon rebel T5i



Breakfast club

Wendy, Melanie, Kwame, Anne
Breakfast club
Arcadia Place
March 25, 2017
Canon rebel T5i


The group

Breakfast club

Bob, Michelle Bach, Lauren Finzer, Anne Friedman, Brigid Macaw, Wendy Max, Anne Firth Murray, Melanie Watkins Inkabi, Kwame Inkabi
Breakfast club
Arcadia Place
March 25, 2017
Canon rebel T5i



Breakfast club

Breakfast club
Arcadia Place
February 18, 2017
Canon rebel T5i


The group

Breakfast club

Anne Firth Murray, Wendy Max, Piya Sorcar, Maya Lorey, Brigid Macaw, Bob, Lauren Finzer, Michelle Bach
Breakfast club
Arcadia Place
February 18, 2017
Canon rebel T5i


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Modified: March 27, 2017
Created: March 27, 2017 (from ashleyjowell.html)
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.