
Course Communication

We will use Piazza as the main form of communication and discussion within the course. All course announcements will happen through Piazza. All communication with course staff should also happen through Piazza -- please create a private post if appropriate. We encourage active participation in student discussions on Piazza to enhance learning in the course.


Assignment 1: 20%
Assignment 2: 20%
Assignment 3: 20%
Course project: 40%


There will be a preliminary assignment (A0, data access prequisites), and three main homework assignments (A1, A2, A3) in the class, that will be each worth 20% of the final grade. Please sign up for CS 271 on Gradescope with enrollment code 9EZKBK. A large part of these assignments will include programming and practical exercises to build expertise in using deep learning with medical data. In this class, all deadlines refer to 11:59pm PST on the stated day.

Collaboration Policy

Study groups are allowed, but we expect students to understand and complete their own assignments and to submit one assignment per student. Please respect Stanford's Honor Code. If you worked in a group, you must put the names of your study group at the top of your assignment.

Course Project

The course project is a significant component of the course and will be worth 40% of the final grade. Students will work individually or in teams of up to 3 to develop and implement an AI-based approach to a healthcare problem. The project will span the duration of the quarter and will include a project proposal, milestone report, and final presentation and report. More details will be released shortly.

Final Poster Session

We will have a final poster session to present the course projects, in lieu of a final exam. Details to be announced.

Late Days

Each student will have 6 late days to turn in assignments, which can be used on A1, A2, A3, the project proposal, or the project milestone. They cannot be used on the project report. A maximum of 4 late days can be used for each assignment. Grades will be deducted by 25% for each additional late day. For project-related assignments, late days will be independently deducted from each group member.