Due Date:

This pset is due Thursday, June 25th at 11:59pm PDT.

This is an individual assignment. Group work will be allowed on future assignments.

Assignment Parts

You will need the following files to complete this assignment:
  1. Pset0 (PDF)
  2. QT Creator Starter Code (zip)
  3. LaTeX Template
  4. Guide to LaTeX
  5. CS 103 Honor Code (required reading as part of pset0)
  6. CS 103 Problem Set Policies (required reading as part of pset0)
  7. CS 103 Course Information Sheet (required reading as part of pset0)
  8. Office Hour Poll (optional)
  9. Breakout Room Poll (optional)

Turning In:

When you are finished, submit your assignment using Gradescope.