Class YahtzeeMagicStub


public class YahtzeeMagicStub

The YahtzeeMagicStub class exists only to make it easier for you to get the Yahtzee game working. It exports a single static method named checkCategory that tests whether an array of dice matches a category. You should rewrite this method and not call this version in your final program.

Method Summary
boolean checkCategory(int[] dice, int category)
Checks to see whether the dice array fits the category.

Method Detail

public static boolean checkCategory(int[] dice, int category)

Checks to see whether the dice array fits the category. This method is provided only as a temporary expedient to help you get your program working. Your final program should not call this method.

Usage: if (YahtzeeMagicStub.checkCategory(dice, category)) . . . 
dice  An array of dice values, whose indices range from 0 to N_DICE - 1
category  The category number, as defined in YahtzeeConstants
Returns: true if the dice fit the category, and false otherwise