CS106AP: Programming Methodologies in Python
Spring 2019 (Note: this website is not for the current quarter, Summer 2019. Access the current website here).
MWF 1:30-2:20 in Hewlett 200


Help Hours
Python Guide
icon Piazza


Lecturer: Nick Parlante
Gates 189
M/W/F 3:00pm-4:00pm (or by appointment)

Head TA: Brahm Capoor
Gates B02
Monday 10am-12pm and Thursday 2-4pm (or by appointment)


  • Ok happy summer everyone. Thanks to Brahm and the section leaders with vast enterprise Here is the final exam, the median score was 90% Final Exam + solution

Assignments and Due Dates
  • Assignment 8 is due on Tuesday evening for full credit, and you have the usual 48-hour extension period. We will not grant additional extension on this assignment.
  • The last night of the LaIR is Tuesday.

Other logistics
  • We'll be having a social with snacks right after tomorrow's class!
  • Class on Wednesday is cancelled, and there is no section this week.
Exam Downloads

  • Download the BlueBook exam file here.
  • Instructions are here (although you probably know most of this stuff already!)
Midterm Info

Download BlueBook
  • If your last name begins with A through L, your exam is in Hewlett 200
  • If your last name begins with M through Z, your exam is in 420-040.
Important: Bring your phone or other two-step authentication device to the exam for submission.

Alternate Exams

If you are taking an OAE or remote exam, you should have already received an email from Brahm regarding scheduling. Otherwise, your exam is scheduled to be on Friday at 1:30.

Study resources
Week 6

Homework & Deadlines

Assignment 5 is due on Tuesday at 11:55 p.m. for a 5% on time bonus and on Thursday at the same time to be eligible for full credit. In addition, the midterm is on Friday!

Midterm Logistics
  • If you have an OAE or remote midterm, you would have received an email from Brahm with the time of your exam. If you have not received this email, please contact him as soon as possible.
  • Brahm will be holding a midterm review session on Wednesday from 7:30 to 9pm in Hewlett 201 (across the hall from our ordinary lecture room).
  • Brahm will be holding extended office hours from 12pm to 4pm on Thursday.
  • The midterm will be administered digitally. Instructions for downloading the examination software will be posted on Monday evening.
Week 5

Homework & Deadlines

Assignment 4 is due tomorrow at 11:55 p.m. for a 5% on time bonus and on Thursday at the same time to be eligible for full credit.

In addition, the midterm is on Fri May 10th at regular class time.

Other Logistics

  • If you have OAE accommodations or a conflict with the midterm and had not already scheduled a time to take the exam with Brahm, you would have received an email asking for your scheduling information. If you are expecting an alternate exam and did not receive an email, please let him know as soon as possible.
  • Your exams will be done digitally. If you don't have a laptop you'd feel comfortable using for an hour during the exam, let Brahm know as soon as possible.

Art Contest!

  • View the nominees (chosen by your SLs) here.
  • Vote here.
  • View our winners here. Congratulations to our winners!
Week 4

Homework & Deadlines

Assignment 3 is due tomorrow at 11:55 p.m. for a 5% on time bonus and on Thursday at the same time to be eligible for full credit.

Important Resources

Check out the Python Language Guide , and specifically the sections on Strings, Slicing, File Reading, and Lists.

Other Logistics

We'll be having our art contest in class on Friday!

Week 3

Homework & Deadlines

Assignment 2 is due tomorrow at 11:55 p.m. for a 5% on time bonus and on Thursday at the same time to be eligible for full credit.

Important resources this week

Be sure to check out the PyCharm installation handout and install PyCharm by the end of the week. In addition, keep an eye out for the first part of the course notes (this post will be updated when they're uploaded).

Brahm will be at the LaIR tomorrow between 7pm and 11pm to help with any PyCharm-related issues.

Other logistics
  • Look out for an email from your section leader to schedule your interactive grading sessions (IGs).
  • The add/drop deadling for classes is this Friday at 5pm, so feel free to reach out to Brahm with any questions about your situation.
Week 2

Homework & Deadlines

Assignment 1 (both parts a and b) are due tonight at 11:55 p.m. for a 5% on time bonus and on Friday at the same time to be eligible for full credit. Assignment 2 will be released on Friday and will be due on Tuesday night at 11:55 pm.

Important resources this week

Be sure to check out the SimpleImage Reference . In addition, this week's Section Handout has been posted.

Other logistics
  • Section begins this week! Check out this page to see which section you've been assigned to, as well as a list of all section times in case you need to make one up. If you haven't signed up for a section, you can also do so on that page.
Sign up for section!

Section signups open at 5pm today. To sign up for a section, go to this website . After logging in, if prompted to do so, fill out the form linked on the page. Make sure to list as many times that work for you as you can, in order to ensure you're placed into a section that works for your schedule. Signups will close at 5pm on Sunday.

In addition, CS Pathfinders is a program intended to increase the accessibility of engineering disciplines, particularly for students from underrepresented or disadvantaged backgrounds. This quarter, it will be offering an additional program for those who would like additional support in the class. Students participating in the program will attend an additional two hour section every week focussed on reviewing course material and completing additional coding execises to solidify understanding. Note that this section is offered as an additional one unit course on top of your enrollment in CS 106A.

The application for the pathfinders section can be found here . Please note that this is the general ACE link but students can select CS106A as their "ACE Course" at the bottom of the form. If you have questions about the program, reach out to TG Sido .

Week 1

Homework & Deadlines

None yet! We'll be releasing the first assignment at the end of this week

Important resources this week

Be sure to check out the Course syllabus and Course Communication Handout .

Other logistics
  • Section signup opens tomorrow at 5pm and closes on Sunday at 5pm
  • Sign up for our course's Piazza !
  • Nick and Brahm's office hours begin this week! See the sidebar for location and timing details. Feel free to come by with any questions you have, or just for a chat!
  • Please email Brahm as soon as possible if you have an academic conflict with the midterm exam (which is on May 10th during our regular class time), or if you have academic accommodations from the OAE.

Welcome to CS 106AP! We are looking forward to a fun quarter. Class starts today at 1:30pm in Hewlett 200. See you there!