Questions answered via forum and email

Written by Julie Zelenski

It's likely that at least a few times during the quarter, you'll find yourself puzzling over the material, needing clarification of a course requirement or policy, or wrestling with a challenging bug. We can help! here's how:

Using the discussion forum

Our course discussion form is available on Piazza. In the forum, you can engage your peers, ask your questions, and answer those of your classmates. The staff will monitor and participate in the forum, especially to respond to questions which require an official position.

All students are encouraged to follow along with the discussions and are welcome to initiate and respond to posts. The forum tracks which posts you have viewed and will highlight new activity and unread posts. Some students make a habit to follow along with all forum traffic; others more selectively participate. You can search for posts matching a query term or tag. You can also star posts to which you want to be able to easily return. Your Piazza Account/Email Settings control whether/how often you receive email notifications of forum activity.

A few requests when using the forum:

Go to CS107 Piazza Forum

Email to the course staff

Email to is the contact address for the course staff. Email is used for requests of a personal nature or questions involving the detailed specifics of your code.

A few requests when sending us email:

Send email to cs107@cs

Frequently asked questions about forum and email

Why/when should I use the forum?

The forum is appropriate for all topics of course relevance, e.g., discussions of readings/lectures, advice on using the tools effectively, clarifying specifications of an assignment, sharing resource materials, and more. You may think you're the only one with your question, but with 200+ students, someone else is bound to be interested. Having the discussion in a public place means that everyone can benefit and keeps things efficient and fair for all students. The forum is open 24/7 which means you can get help from classmates who are up as late as you are! Our forum's current average response time is running an astonishing 20 minutes -- how's that for speedy service?!