CS142 Course Staff
Staff Contact
Note: Add ".stanford.edu" or ".edu" to all e-mail addresses below.
For most issues, the best way to contact the course staff is to post a question on Ed Forum. If you believe that Ed Forum is not the best way to resolve an issue, you can reach the CAs through the email alias cs142-spr2021-staff@lists (note: add ".stanford.edu" to "@lists"). We prefer that you do not contact CAs individually unless it is part of an ongoing conversation; you will get a faster response by using Ed Forum or the group alias.

Office Hours
CS142's Canvas calendar lists all of the office hours as well as the lectures, discussion sections, quizzes, and project deadlines.
To attend office hours, check in on 'CS 142 Spring 2021' on QueueStatus.
The virtual CS142 office hours will be done usng a Zoom meeting. Private, one-on-one discussion between the staff and the student will be done using the Zoom breakout room feature under control of the course staff. Use the queue named "CS 142 Winter 2021" on QueueStatus (direct link) to get Zoom meeting link for the current office hour. To request interest in a private meeting, add yourself to the queue.