
See the syllabus here.

Course Communication

We will use Ed as the main form of communication and discussion within the course. All course announcements will happen through Ed at this link, or if that doesn't work, by going to the course Canvas page and clicking "Ed Discussion". All communication with course staff should also happen through Ed -- please create a private post if appropriate. We encourage active participation in student discussions on Ed to enhance learning in the course. You can also write to the course staff by emailing us directly at biods276-aut2024-staff@lists.stanford.edu.


  • Assignment 1: 20%
  • Assignment 2: 20%
  • Discussion Presentation: 15%
  • Course project: 40%
  • Class participation: 5%

You will get the full 'class participation' grade if you attend 80% of classes. If you need to miss more, please contact us to provide a reason.

Late Days

Students will have 3 total late days in the course, with a maximum of 2 for any assignment. These can be used on A1, A2, the project proposal, and the project milestone report. Grades will be deducted by 25% for each additional late day. Late days may not be used on the project final presentation or final project report.