× The Great Things About Football The Beauty in Basketball What There is to Love about Baseball

The Great Things about Football

The Love of the Game

Things to think about to help you love football:

  • The bonds you make in football become a lot like a brotherhood
  • Then you have the everlasting adrenaline rush that leaves you hungry for more
  • If your mad you can take out your anger on someone else and ruin their day without getting in trouble
  • In the game of football alike to many sports can carry you far in your career even if footbal isn't inluded.

  • And even with these reason stated there will always be more because as times go people will always have a different reason for the love of the game, being one great reason on why football is best.

    The Benefits Outside of the Game

    Benefits from football vary in many ways is best known in the highschool and college levels.
    Highschool Football
    In highschool football your benefits are mre opinionated, with that being you have to be dedicated, having to work in and out of the classroom to be succesful which helps one become a better man.Then you can gain scholarships that will take you a long way.
    College Football
    Depending on where your at college football you can get, food diets,weight lifting, and tutoring. But like most things you aren't forced to do it your given the option to be great.And if not you're gone.

    Check Out The Reasons To Think about Which is Best Below: ~The Great Things About Football~ ~The Beauty in Basketball~ ~What There is to Love about Baseball~