CS240 (Spring 2015)

Advanced Topics in Operating Systems


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Final exam, final project, and class participation grades have been posted. You can view your grades at the submission and grades page. You must be logged in with your SUNetID to access the page. Solutions and aggregates for the final exam have also been posted. If you would like further details, commentary, or have questions about your grades, please send us an email or post privately on Piazza.

Thank you for the great term, and thank you for taking part in our experiment to improve CS 240! We had a blast teaching the course and interacting with you, and we sincerely hope you did too.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Final project presentations will be held on Tuesday, June 9th from 12:15pm to 3:15pm in Gates B03. Food and drinks will be served; please arrive at 12:05pm to grab some food. Groups will have 10 minutes to present followed by 4 minutes for questions. Timing will be rigid: presentations will be cut short if they exceed 10 minutes. SCPD teams are encouraged to attend but are not required to do so. SCPD teams not attending must submit a 3 - 5 page write-up describing their project’s motivation, implementation, issues, drawbacks, evaluation, including any benchmarks, and any conclusions.

The sign up link for presentation slots will be posted tomorrow, June 8th at 10:00am. If your team has inflexible constraints, please email us beforehand to reserve a slot.

Final project code and a concise 1 page write-up describing the project’s implementation and evaluation are due tomorrow, June 8th at 11:59PM. You may exceed the one page limit for benchmark results and figures. Please also include a README file indicating how to compile and run your code, examples, and test cases. Submit a gzipped tarball named final_project.tar.gz with the required materials at the submissions and grades page.

Update: signups are open.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Checkpoint 2 grades have been posted. You were graded ✓-, ✓, or ✓+ reflecting our thoughts on your progress. The checkpoint grade will contribute to your overall final project grade. You can view your grade at the submission and grades page. You must be logged in with your SUNetID to access the page. If you have any questions about your grade, please visit us during office hours or post privately on Piazza.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

In light of the final exam next Tuesday, we will be hosting additional office hours today, Thursday, May 28 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm in Gates 415. Office hours next Monday will occur at their regular time and place.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Checkpoint 2 meetings will be held on Wednesday, May 27 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm in Gates 260. After conferring with your team, select a 10 minute time slot on Doodle to meet with instructors to discuss your final project progress. Your team should prepare a short 5 - 10 minute demo to present at the checkpoint. The demo should illustrate your team’s progress on the project: though specific details may be left unimplemented, we expect that your team has made significant progress towards completion. You will be given a grade of ✓-, ✓, or ✓+ reflecting our thoughts on your progress. The checkpoint grade will contribute to your overall final project grade.

Local SCPD students are welcome to attend the checkpoint in person but are not required to do so. Remote and local SCPD students unable or unwilling to attend personally should instead submit a checkpoint2.tar.gz tarball containing a 1 page progress report in PDF format, project source code, and a README text file indicating how to run the project demo code and what its expected functionality is. Submit the tar file at the submissions and grades page.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Today’s office hours have been canceled. Given the holidays, we will also not be holding office hours on Monday, May 25th. Checkpoint 2 will take place Wednesday, May 27th. Further details about checkpoint 2 are forthcoming.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Lab 2 grades have been posted. You can view your grade at the submission and grades page. You must be logged in with your SUNetID to access the page. If you have any questions about your grade, please visit us during office hours or post privately on Piazza.

An aggregate graph is reproduced below.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Checkpoint 1 grades have been posted. You were graded ✓-, ✓, or ✓+ reflecting our thoughts on your progress. The checkpoint grade will contribute to your overall final project grade. You can view your grade at the submission and grades page. You must be logged in with your SUNetID to access the page. If you have any questions about your grade, please visit us during office hours or post privately on Piazza.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Checkpoint 1 meetings will be held on Wednesday, May 13 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm in Gates 415. After conferring with your team, select a 10 minute time slot on Doodle to meet with instructors to discuss your final project progress. You should have answers to any comments or questions delivered to you via the proposal feedback. Further, each team member should have delineated responsibilities and should have a good idea on how to go about achieving them. You will be graded ✓-, ✓, or ✓+ reflecting our thoughts on your progress and your ability to succeed. The checkpoint grade will contribute to your overall final project grade.

Local SCPD students are welcome to attend the checkpoint in person but are not required to do so. Remote and local SCPD students unable or unwilling to attend personally should instead submit a 1 to 2 page progress report in PDF format. Name your document checkpoint1.pdf and submit it at the submissions and grades page.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Midterm grades are now available for the majority of students. You can view your grade at the submission and grades page. You must be logged in with your SUNetID to access the page. If you have any questions about your grade, please visit us during office hours or post privately on Piazza.

If your grade is not yet available, you will see a “No grade found.” message. Your grade will be posted soon. Solutions and aggregates have also been posted. The aggregate graph is reproduced below.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Lab 2 has been released (whew!). You must be signed in with your SUNetID to access it. Be sure to review the general information and submission instructions. If you need help, ask on Piazza or at office hours.

Please note that this is CS240’s second ever lab. The lab itself is new content and it is rather ambitious in scope. Although we have tried to minimize issues, it’s possible that you may run into problems with the lab skeleton code or lab infrastructure. In that event that you do, please notify us so that we can roll out a fix promptly. You can do so via a private or public post on Piazza or via email.

Also note that final project ideas are now due Monday, May 4 instead of Friday, May 1. We thought you might like the weekend to further solidify your project ideas. The final project details page has been updated to reflect this.

Finally, the syllabus has been updated to reflect a new reading schedule and upcoming deadlines.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Final project details have been released. You must be signed in with your SUNetID to access the page.

As always, if you have any questions, ask on Piazza or at office hours.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Lab 1 grades have been posted. You can view your grade and submission comments at the submission and grades page. You must be logged in with your SUNetID to access the page. If you would like further details or commentary about your grade, please visit us during office hours.

There were several students whose programs did not compile on corn. If you are one of these students, please contact the course staff as soon as possible via email or Piazza. Aggregates will be posted once compilation issues have been addressed.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The reading list order for next week (week 5) has changed.

On Tuesday, we will discuss:

On Thursday, we will discuss:

The sets of papers have swapped days. As a reminder, we will be collecting your list of 3 - 5 group members on Tuesday as well.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Office hours on Wednesdays will now be held in Gates 288.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The lab 1 skeleton repository has been updated to reflect a couple of minor fixes. Please update your lab (commit your changes, then git pull) to incorporate these fixes and ensure that your tests continue to pass as you expect them to. After ensuring that all is still well, please resubmit your lab, even if you have previously submitted. This is imperative as these latest skeleton changes invalidate previous submissions.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Beginning today, office hours will be held Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00 to 6:00pm in Gates 415. Office hours are a chance for you to stop in and ask any question about any of the course material including lectures, papers, labs, and the final project. They’re completely optional to attend and exist solely for your benefit.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Lab 1 has been released. You must be signed in with your SUNetID to access it. Be sure to review the general information and submission instructions. If you need help, ask on Piazza or at office hours.

Please note that this is CS240’s first ever lab, and the lab itself is new content. Although we have tried to minimize issues, it’s possible that you may run into problems with the lab skeleton code or lab infrastructure. In that event that you do, please notify us so that we can roll out a fix promptly. You can do so via a private post on Piazza or via email.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Welcome to CS240! The first class meets on Tuesday, March 31, 2015. We’ll be reading The Rise of “Worse is Better” in class, but you can get a head-start now if you’d like! Please note that this site (and the class itself) is (are) still a work in progress. As such, keep an eye out for updated readings and assignments. A Piazza site has been made available for your question/comment posting pleasure.


Tuesdays and Thursdays
4:15pm - 5:30pm
Thornton 102

Office Hours

Mondays and Wednesdays
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Gates 415 on Mondays
Gates 288 on Wednesdays

Staff List

Dawson Engler
Gates 314

Sergio Benitez
Instructor, TA
Gates 288

Mary Jane Swenson
Course Secretary
Gates 279


Ask on Piazza!

Previous Terms

Spring 2014
Winter 2013
Spring 2013
Spring 2012
Spring 2011
Spring 2010