Lecture Topics and Notes

Lecture 1 (September 25, 2018): Metric Spaces, Embeddings, and Distortion

Lecture 2 (September 27, 2018): Embeddings into ell_infinity

Lecture 3 (October 2, 2018): Bourgain’s Theorem and the Sparsest Cut Problem

Lecture 4 (October 4, 2018): Uniform Sparsest Cut via Bourgain’s Embedding

Lecture 5 (October 9, 2018): Lower Bounds on the Dimensions of Low Distortion Embeddings into Normed Spaces

Lecture 6 (October 11, 2018): A Lower Bound on the Distortion of Embeddings into ell_2

Lecture 7 (October 16, 2018): Lower Bounds on Dimension Reduction in ell_1

Lecture 8 (October 18, 2018): Probabilistic Embedding into Tree Metrics: Introduction and Applications

Lecture 9 (October 23, 2018): Probabilistic Embedding into Tree Metrics

Lecture 10 (October 25, 2018): Metric Ramsey Phenomena and Approximate Distance Oracles

Lectures 11-13 (October 30, 2018 - November 6, 2018): Solving Problems with Capacities using Probabilistic Embedding into Trees

Lecture 14 (November 8, 2018): Lower Bound on Embedding Edit Distance into ell_1

Lectures 15-16 (November 13, 2018 - November 15, 2018): Approximating Sparsest Cut using Semidefinite Programming

Lecture 17 (November 27, 2018): Doubling Metrics and Other Notions of Distortion

Lecture 18 (November 29, 2018): Routing using Embedding into Hyperbolic Spaces

Lecture 19 (December 4, 2018): Machine Learned Word Embeddings