EE398A - Image and Video Compression


Related Courses and Old Projects

EE398A was previously offered as EE398. Old class projects for this course and similar courses can be found at SCIEN Lab Past Projects webpage. These projects may provide a useful resource for you.

Online Papers

Useful resources for online papers are IEEE Xplore (available from the Stanford network or through proxy), CiteSeer and Google Scholar.


Matlab will be required for the homework assignments. You can use your own computer, or those available in the ISE Lab and other Stanford computing facilities.

Document or Site Description Link
Mathworks Home page of The MathWorks, Inc.
Index of Matlab documentation Mathworks web page with Matlab documentation in PDF and HTML HTML on Mathworks
Getting started Brief introduction to Matlab PDF on Mathworks
Printable documentation More extensive tutorials. Guide on mathematics and programming are strongly recommended. HTML on Mathworks
Signal Processing Toolbox Mathworks web page on the signal processing toolbox HTML on Mathworks
Image Processing Toolbox Mathworks web page on the image processing toolbox HTML on Mathworks
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Last modified: 18-Dec-2011