Winter Quarter 2012

 Perspectives in Assistive Technology 

David L. Jaffe, MS and Professor Drew Nelson
Tuesdays & Thursdays   4:15pm - 5:30pm
Building 530 - Classroom 127

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Thursday, March 1st

photo of Bob Bauer
photo of Henry Evans photo of PR2 robot

Tour of Willow Garage
Bob Bauer, Henry Evans, and PR2
Executive Director of Commercialization, Los Gatos Resident, and Robot Extraordinaire

This tour will be held at Willow Garage in Menlo Park. The class will convene in the front lobby at 4:30pm. Due to space limitations, it is open to enrolled students only.

Abstract: Willow Garage develops hardware and open source software for personal robotics applications. Willow Garage's employees are a team of experts in robot design, control, perception, and machine learning, with both a strong theoretical background and a demonstrated drive to produce practical systems. Approximately one third are robotics researchers whose specialties include: grasping/manipulation, human-robot interaction, motion planning, perception, and task planning. Researchers provide an institutional expertise to ensure that Willow Garage stays at the technological forefront of the many depth expertise areas represented in robotic technologies.

Willow Garage is only one part of the open-source robotics community. They focus their efforts in ways that will make the entire community more productive. Willow Garage actively engages research labs and companies as partners, collaborators, customers and advisors in the development of both their hardware platform and open source software. Willow Garage also supports researchers who would not otherwise have the bandwidth or funding to open source their work.


Bob Bauer has over 30 years of leadership in turning innovative technologies into profitable strategic advantages. He joined Xerox's famed Palo Alto Research Centre (PARC) in its inaugural year of 1970. He led the System Sciences Laboratory and created PARC's Advanced Systems Development lab, as well as managing Xerox Corporate R&T investment and IP in software and systems. Bob has incubated and helped create companies that leverage proprietary technology, each of which were acquired for over $100 Million, SDL being the largest at $42 Billion. He is the former VP and founding CTO of Xerox Global Services from 2002-06. In 2006 Bob became CTO of H5, a San Francisco start-up that he guided to become the NIST-certified leader in High Recall search. He is currently Executive Director of Commercialization at Willow Garage, a Menlo Park company dedicated to spawning and participating in the personal robotics industry. Dr. Bauer earned MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and has been an adviser to the National Academy of Sciences, National Science Foundation, UNESCO and Departments of Commerce, Defense and Homeland Security, as well as numerous start-ups and VCs – most recently as a Partnership Board Member at DeepBridge Capital LLP.

Henry Evans is a non-vocal Los Gatos resident with quadriplegia as a result of a stroke when he was just 40 years old. Following extensive therapy, Henry has regained the ability to move his head and use a finger, which allows him to operate computers.

PR2 (Personal Robot 2) is Willow Garage's first major robot. It is a two-armed wheeled robot of human size that has two 7-DOF arms with a payload capacity of 1.8 kg. Sensors include a 5-megapixel camera, a tilting laser range finder, and an inertial measurement unit. The "texture projector" projects a pattern on the environment to create 3D information for capture by the cameras. Its head-mounted laser scanner measures distance by time-of-flight. The two computers located in the base are 8-core servers with 24 Gigabytes of RAM each. Sixteen laptop batteries power PR2.

Contact information:
Willow Garage
68 Willow Rd.
Menlo Park, CA  94025
rbauer -at-
Lecture Material:
Audio 58:46 - 13.4 Mb mp3 file
Willow Garage
Robots for Humanity

Updated 03/02/2012

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