Course Information


RAD228 is an introduction to MRI programming for GE scanners. This includes EPIC (Environment for Pulse Programming in C) as well as other related topics such as reconstruction programming and debugging. The course aims to provide an initial understanding of EPIC – considerably more time is needed to gain expertise.

The course will be taught with a flipped-classroom format including:

  • Pre-recorded lectures that must be viewed prior to class

  • In-class discussions of pre-recorded lectures

  • Self-study lab exercises at MRI scanners

Prerequisites include a working knowledge of both MRI (EE369B or equivalent) and C programming.

Requirements (Ideally Prior to Class Start)

Class Time and Location:

  • Classes will meet Mondays 8:30-10am at the Lucas 3T3 Scanner

  • Other Times on MR scanners will be reserved by students


  • Participation (20%)

  • Weekly Programming Assignments (30%)

  • Extension Exercises (20%)

  • Project (30%)

Notes / Changes from Prior Years

  • The course will be taught on EPIC 25.0. While code may be available for prior versions, there is no guarantee of support.

  • Auditors are welcome, and encouraged to work with students. Scanner access priority goes to students.


We will NOT follow a particular textbook. If you work on MRI, the following are useful, so consider borrowing one or both.

Handbook of MRI Pulse Sequences
Matt Bernstein, Kevin King, Joe Zhou
Free link (within Stanford)
Amazon link

Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Dwight Nishimura
Order Here