Stewart Brand's List of Layout Tools
Source: "How To Do a Whole Earth
Catalog," The Last Whole Earth Catalog (Menlo
Park: Portola Institute, 1971), 436.
- Portable drafting table and engineers lamp
- T-square and triangle (for horizontal and vertical lines
and alignment)
- Exacto knives and very good scissors (for cutting copy)
- Rapidograph pens (for clean ink lines)
- Rubber cement and dispenser (jar with brush), and solvent
(in a squirt can dispenser, for lifting already glued copy),
and warts (sticky squares for cleaning up stray rubber cement
on the page)
- Drafting tape (for holding paper in place)
- Think white tape (for holding down bits of copy where rubber
cement won't do it and for covering up mistakes)
- Blue pencil )(for marking on the page)
- Template (for ruling curved lines such as around Divine Right)
- Letaset (burnish-down characters for page numbering and headings)
and wooden stylus (for burnishing)
- Tuffilm (to spary on finished copy for protection)
Document created on 31
May 2000;