Each of these collections is documented in its own page, along with sample code.
Vector<ValueType> | A Vector is an indexed sequence of values similar to an array. |
Grid<ValueType> | A Grid is an indexed, two-dimensional array. |
GridLocation | A GridLocation struct is a row/col pair. |
GridLocationRange | A GridLocationRange is a two-dimensional range of grid locations. |
Stack<ValueType> | A Stack is a linear structure in which values are added and removed only from one end, LIFO. |
Queue<ValueType> | A Queue is a linear structure in which values are added at one end and removed from the other, FIFO. |
PriorityQueue<ValueType> | A PriorityQueue is a specialized queue in which values are processed in order of priority. |
Map<KeyType, ValueType> | A Map maintains an ordered association between keys and values. |
HashMap<KeyType, ValueType> | A HashMap is a highly efficient and unordered implementation of the Map abstraction. |
Set<ValueType> | A Set is an ordered collection of distinct values. |
HashSet<ValueType> | A HashSet is a highly efficient and unordered implementation of the Set abstraction. |
Lexicon | A Lexicon is a highly efficient implementation of a word list. |
Utility header files
These headers export various utility functions, grouped thematically. Some of these have been updated for Fall Quarter 2022; others are pending updates.
direction.h | This file exports an enumerated type called Direction whose elements are the four compass points: NORTH , EAST , SOUTH , and WEST . |
error.h | This file defines the ErrorException class and the error function. |
filelib.h | This file exports a standardized set of tools for working with files. |
GPoint | A GPoint struct is a x/y pair to represent a location in the graphics plane. |
random.h | This file exports functions for generating pseudorandom numbers. |
simpio.h | This file exports a set of functions that simplify input/output operations in C++ and provide some error-checking on console input. |
strlib.h | This file exports several useful string functions that are not included in the C++ string library. |
timer.h | This file exports a class for measuring intervals of time. |