
Our group is composed of:

Our website enables readers to read the text of The Heart of Rachael and to use our search functions as research tools. We have presented the text as it appears in the book, with reader-friendly pages that can be turned and skipped. We created this page display by using an XSL stylesheet to transform the encoded XML text into html. The XSL stylesheet is available to view here. Then, we used CSS to style the html and Java Script to animate it, making the text interactive and easily accessible.

The tools we provide users include a word concordance, a word search function, and a quote search by speaker. The word concordance and search function are provided via links to php functions that load the text XML as a DOMdocument, as done in exercises 7 and 8 with My California.

To perform the quote search by speaker, we first went through the XML text, tagging every quotation in the form

<q who="speaker">"quotation," said speaker</q>
The website links to a php script that uses xpath to find the different characters in the who="speaker" attributes of the q tags. The drop down list then includes the names of all speakers, and the user can select one name to see the quotations from that character. The user's selection is sent to another php script that uses the form-path method to find the appropriate quotes. The user then has the option of viewing the quotations without the speaker tags (he said, she said, etc) and of viewing a concordance of the words the selected character says. Both of these functions use regular expressions to include only the words inside the quotation marks.