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This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
Director: Jeanne Tsai
Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, the largest of the majors/minors offered in the program, does not focus on a particular ethnic group. Rather, a student in consultation with the adviser designs a curriculum in relation to a thematic concentration that compares various ethnic groups or explores topics that cut across group experiences in the United States and elsewhere in the world. For example, students may compare groups within the U.S., or compare groups in the U.S. to ethnic groups elsewhere, or study the diaspora of a single group or the sovereignty of indigenous peoples within and across different national contexts. Students in this major are able to take advantage of courses in over 22 fields offered by the affiliated faculty of CSRE.
All CSRE-related majors enroll in the 15-unit CSRE core curriculum, which consists of two introductory core courses and a senior seminar taken in Autumn Quarter of the senior year. One foundational course may be counted toward the 15-unit core requirement.
Comparative Studies majors complete another 45 units of course work relevant to the thematic concentration they have chosen in consultation with the adviser.
All CSRE-related majors complete a culminating research paper under the supervision of a faculty adviser.
Students who wish to minor in Comparative Studies must complete six courses (a minimum of 30 units) from the approved course list. Two core courses (or one core and one foundational course) are needed to fulfill the minor requirements.
Students in Comparative Studies may find the following courses useful in fulfilling course requirements in the major or minor.
Core Courses
ANTHRO 88. Theories of Race and Ethnicity (5 units)
CSRE 196C/ENGLISH 172D/PSYCH 155. Introduction to Race and Ethnicity (5 units)
CSRE 200X. CSRE Senior Seminar (WIM; 5 units)
EDUC 245. Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development (3-5 units)
HISTORY 64. Introduction to Race and Ethnicity in 20th Century America (5 units)
HISTORY 255D. Racial Identity in the American Imagination (4-5 units)
PSYCH 75. Introduction to Cultural Psychology (5 units)
SOC 147A/247A. Comparative Ethnic Conflict (5 units)
SOC 148. Racial Identity (5 units)
Foundational Courses
ANTHRO 16. Native Americans in the 21st Century: Encounters, Identity, and Sovereignty in Contemporary America (5 units)
CHICANST 180E/CSRE 180E. Introduction to Chicana/o Studies (5 units)
COMPLIT 148. Introduction to Asian American Cultures (3-5 units)
HISTORY 59. Introduction to Asian American History (5 units)
SOC 138. American Indians in Comparative Historical Perspective (5 units)
SOC 139. American Indians in Contemporary Society (5 units)
SOC 166. Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and Chicanos in American Society (5 units)
Thematic Courses
CSRE 183/AMSTUD 183. Border Crossings and American Identities (5 units)
CSRE 145A. Poetics and Politics of Caribbean Women's Literature (5 units)
CSRE 146. Community Matters: Research and Service with Community Organizations (2 units)
CSRE 146S. Asian American Culture and Community (5 units)
CSRE 173S/ASNAMST 173S. Transcultural and Multiethnic Lives: Contexts, Controversies and Challenges (5 units)
CSRE 160N/CHICANST 160N/DRAMA 17N. Salt of the Earth: Docudrama in (Latino) America (3-5 units)
CSRE 177/DRAMA 177. Writing for Performance: The Fundamentals (5 units)
CSRE 189W/ CHICANST 189W. Language and Minority Rights (3-5 units)
CSRE 197/CHICANST 197/NATIVEAM197/DRAMA 255. The Rite to Remember: Performance and Chicana Indigenous Thought (3-5 units)
CSRE 198. Internship for Public Service (1-5 units)
CSRE 199. Pre-Honors Seminar (1-2 units)
CSRE 201B/CHICANST 201B. From Racial Justice to Multicultural Movement-based Arts Organizing in the Post Civil Rights Era (5 units)
CSRE 203A. The Changing Face of America: Civil Rights and Education Strategies for the 21st Century (5 units)
Cognate Courses
AFRICAAM 101. African American Lecture Series: Race and Faith (1-3 units)
AFRICAAM 152/ENGLISH 152D/ PHIL 194L. W. E. B. Du Bois as Writer and Philosopher (5 units)
AFRICAST 111. Education for All? The Global and Local in Public Policy Making in Africa (5 units)
AFRICAST 112. AIDS, Literacy, and Land: International Aid and the Problems of Development in Africa (5 units)
AMSTUD 183. Border Crossings and American Identities (5 units)
AMSTUD 184. Cityscapes of the Imaginary: The Urban World in Literature and Film (5 units)
ANTHRO 82. Medical Anthropology (4-5 units)
ANTHRO 88. Theories in Race and Ethnicity (5 units)
ANTHRO 126. Cities in Comparative Perspective (5 units)
ARTHIST 160A. Twentieth Century African American Art (4 units)
ARTHIST 256A. Critical Race Art History (5 units)
COMM 160/POLISCI 323R. The Press and the Political Process (5 units)
COMM 162/POLISCI 323S. Analysis of Political Campaigns (5 units)
COMPLIT 41Q. Ethnicity and Literature (3-5 units)
COMPLIT 142/ENGLISH 172E. The Literature of the Americas (5 units)
COMPLIT 148. Introduction to Asian American Cultures (3-5 units)
DRAMA 17N. Salt of the Earth: The Docudrama in Latino América (3 units)
DRAMA 110. Identity, Diversity, and Aesthetics: The Institute for Diversity in the Arts (5 units)
DRAMA 177. Writing for Performance: The Fundamentals (5 units)
EDUC 112X/212X. Urban Education (3-4 units)
EDUC 116X. Service Learning as an Approach to Teaching (3 units)
EDUC 149. Theory and Issues in the Study of Bilingualism (3-5 units)
EDUC 165. History of Higher Education in the U.S. (3-4 units)
EDUC 177. Education of Immigrant Students: Psychological Perspectives (4 units)
EDUC 178X. Latino Families, Languages, and Schools (3-5 units)
EDUC 193B. Peer Counseling in the Chicano/Latino Community (1 unit)
EDUC 193C. Peer Counseling in the African American Community (1 unit)
EDUC 193F. Psychological Well-Being on Campus: Asian American Perspectives (1 unit)
EDUC 193N. Peer Counseling in the Native American Community (1 unit)
EDUC 201. History of Education in the United States (3-4 units)
EDUC 233A. Adolescent Development and Mentoring in the Urban Context (3 units)
EDUC 245. Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development (3-5 units)
ENGLISH 140A. Creative Resistance and the Holocaust (5 units)
ENGLISH 152D/AFRICAAM 152/PHIL 194L. W. E. B. Du Bois as Writer and Philosopher (5 units)
ENGLISH 172E/COMPLIT 142. The Literature of the Americas (5 units)
ENGLISH 261B. Bright Lights, Global Cities: Reading Transnational Asia/Pacific Spatial Geographies (5 units)
ENGLISH 362S. Phantoms That Follow: Trauma and Disillusionment in Asian American Literature (5 units)
FEMST 120. Introduction to Queer Studies (4-5 units)
HISTORY 48Q. South Africa: Contested Transitions (3 units)
HISTORY 52N. The Harlem Renaissance (5 units)
HISTORY 54N. African American Women's Lives (4-5 units)
HISTORY 64C. From Freedom to Freedom Now! African American History (3 units)
HISTORY 137. The Holocaust (4-5 units)
HISTORY 150C. The United States in the Twentieth Century (5 units)
HISTORY 151. Slavery and Freedom in American History (5 units)
HISTORY 166. Introduction to African American History: The Modern African American Freedom Struggle (4-5 units)
HISTORY 255B/AFRICAAM 105/ENGLISH 143E. Introduction to African and African American Studies (5 units)
HISTORY 255D. Racial Identity in the American Imagination (4-5 units)
HISTORY 258. History of Sexuality in the U.S. (4-5 units)
HISTORY 259. Poverty and Homelessness in America (5 units)
HISTORY 260. California's Minority-Majority Cities (5 units)
HISTORY 261. Race, Gender, and Class in Jim Crow America (5 units)
HISTORY 295F. Race and Ethnicity in East Asia (4-5 units)
HUMBIO 122S/SOC 141A. Social Class, Race, Ethnicity, Health (5 units)
HUMBIO 129. Critical Issues in International Women's Health (4 units)
LINGUIST 150. Language in Society (4 units)
LINGUIST 156. Language and Gender (4 units)
MUSIC 17Q. Perspectives in North American Taiko (4 units)
MUSIC 37N. Ki ho'alu: The New Renaissance of a Hawaiian Musical Tradition (3 units)
PHIL 194L/AFRICAAM 152/ENGLISH 152D. W.E.B. DuBois as Writer and Philosopher (5 units)
POLISCI 120B. Parties, Voting, the Media, and Elections (5 units)
POLISCI 125S. Chicano/Latino Politics (5 units)
POLISCI 137R/EDUC 261X/ETHICSOC 137R. Justice at Home and Abroad: Civil Rights in the 21st Century (5 units)
POLISCI 141. The Global Politics of Human Rights (5 units)
POLISCI 323R/COMM 160. The Press and the Political Process (4-5 units)
POLISCI 323S/COMM 162. Analysis of Political Campaigns (4-5 units)
POLISCI 327. Minority Behavior and Representation (5 units)
POLISCI 337R/EDUC 261X/POLISCI 137R/ETHICSOC 137R. Justice at Home and Abroad: Civil Rights in the 21st Century (5 units)
PSYCH 25N. Psychology, Inequality, and the American Dream (3 units)
PSYCH 180/245. Social Psychological Perspectives on Stereotyping and Prejudice (3 units)
PSYCH 236. The Social Self (3 units)
SOC 45Q. Understanding Race and Ethnicity in American Society (5 units)
SOC 46N. Race, Ethnic, and National Identities: Imagined Communities (3 units)
SOC 118. Social Movements and Collective Action (5 units)
SOC 119. Understanding Large-Scale Societal Change: The Case of the 1960s (5 units)
SOC 120. Interpersonal Relations (5 units)
SOC 133. Law and Wikinomics: The Economic and Social Organization of the Legal Profession (1-5 units)
SOC 140. Introduction to Social Stratification (5 units)
SOC 141A/HUMBIO 122S. Social Class, Race, Ethnicity, Health (5 units)
SOC 142. Sociology of Gender (5 units)
SOC 149/URBANST 112. The Urban Underclass (5 units)
SOC 155.The Changing American Family (5 units)
SOC 164. Immigration and the Changing United States (5 units)
SOC 180B. Evaluation of Evidence (5 units)
SPANLIT 193. The Cinema of Pedro Almodóvar (3-5 units)
URBANST 112/SOC 149. The Urban Underclass (5 units)
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