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Wang, H. H., R. L. Marks, S. M. Rock, and M. J. Lee, "Task-Based Control Architecture for an Untethered, Unmanned Submersible", Proceedings of the 8th Annual Symposium of Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology, Marine Systems Engineering Laboratory, Northeastern University, pp. 137-147, September, 1993.
Wang, H. H., R. L. Marks, T. W. McLain, S. D. Fleischer, D. W. Miles, G. A. Sapilewski, S. M. Rock, M. J. Lee, and R. C. Burton, "OTTER: A Testbed Submersible for Robotics Research", Proceedings of the ANS 6th Topical Meeting on Robotics and Remote Systems, Monterey, CA, American Nuclear Society, pp. 587-594, February, 1995.
Wang, H. H., S. M. Rock, and M. J. Lee, "OTTER: The Design and Development of an Intelligent Underwater Robot", Autonomous Robots, vol. 3, no. 2-3, pp. 297-320, June-July, 1996.
Wang, H. H., S. M. Rock, and M. J. Lee, "Experiments in the Automatic Retrieval of Underwater Objects with an AUV", Proceedings of Oceans '95, San Diego, CA, MTS/IEEE, pp. 366-373, October, 1995.
Wang, H. H., R. L. Marks, S. M. Rock, M. J. Lee, and R. C. Burton, "Combined Camera and Vehicle Tracking of Underwater Objects", Proceedings of Intervention/ROV '92, San Diego, CA, June, 1992.
McLain, T. W., S. M. Rock, and M. J. Lee, "Experiments in the coordination of Underwater Manipulator and Vehicle Control", Proceedings of Oceans '95, San Diego, CA, MTS/IEEE, pp. 1208-1215, October, 1995.
Marks, R. L., S. M. Rock, and M. J. Lee, "Real-time video mosaicking of the ocean floor", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 229-241, July, 1995.
Marks, R. L., H. H. Wang, M. J. Lee, and S. M. Rock, "Automatic Visual Station Keeping of an Underwater Robot", Proceedings of IEEE Oceans 94 Osates, Brest, France, IEEE, September, 1994.
Marks, R. L., M. J. Lee, and S. M. Rock, "Visual Sensing for Control of an Underwater Robotic Vehicle", Proceedings of IARP Second Workshop on Mobile Robots for Subsea Environments, Monterey, CA, IARP, May, 1994.
Marks, R. L., S. M. Rock, and M. J. Lee, "Real-Time Video Mosaicking of the Ocean Floor", Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology, Cambridge, MA, IEEE, July, 1994.
Fleischer, S. D., H. H. Wang, S. M. Rock, and M. J. Lee, "Video Mosaicking Along Arbitrary Vehicle Paths", Proceedings of the Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology, Monterey, CA, OES/IEEE, pp. 293-299, June, 1996.
Fleischer, S. D., R. L. Marks, S. M. Rock, and M. J. Lee, "Improved Real-Time Video Mosaicking of the Ocean Floor", Proceedings of the OCEANS 95 Conference, San Diego, CA, MTS/IEEE, pp. 1935-1944, October, 1995.
Fleischer, S. D., S. M. Rock, and M. J. Lee, "Underwater Vehicle Control from a Virtual Environment Interface", Proceedings of the Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Monterey, CA, SIGGRAPH, April, 1995.
Coste-Maniere, E., H. H. Wang, S. M. Rock, A. Peuch, M. Perrier, V. Rigaud, and M. J. Lee, "Joint Evaluation of Mission Programming for Underwater Robots", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Minneapolis, MN, IEEE, pp. 2492-2497, April, 1996.