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Instructions For Apple

In order to get the best out of this machine, please follow the following instructions step by step and ensure that you have setup every parameter.

Mac OS 10.5/ Leopard users: A new printer driver will be available Apr. 15 - until then, you cannot use the prompt for account every time but rather have to safe the account number to charge.

You may want to print a copy of these instructions for use as a checklist during installation.

  1. Download this driver (current as of 18 Mar 2008) for the WorkCenter 7335 or later from the Xerox Website.
  2. Extract the file and install the installer package.
  3. Go System Preferences/Print & Fax and select the + symbol to add a printer. Then,
    1. select the IP tab
    2. select Line Printer Daemon - LPD
    3. enter as the Address
    4. name it something like CDR Xerox
    5. select print using Other in the pull-down menu
    6. go to Macintosh HD (your harddrive)/Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/xrwp7328.ppd.gz and click open (make sure you are using the en and not el version, which is immediately above)
    7. click Add
    8. select High Capacity Tandem Tray
    9. select Office Finisher
    10. Click Continue and Close the Printer Installation Area
  4. Then setup the default configuration for printing as follows (in case Safari does not offer "Xerox features" or "Accounting" as selection, please use firefox)
    1. open Safari and enact the Print Command (AppleKey + P)
    2. if not already active, go to the full print menu view by clicking on the downward pointing arrow at the top right.
    3. as Printer, select 310 Xerox
    4. configure the settings as follows
    5. go to where it says Safari and select Xerox Features instead
      1. under Paper/Output
        1. go to 2-Sided Printing and select 2-Sided Print
        2. go to Output Color and select Grayscale
        3. go to Output Destination and select Stacker Tray
      2. from Paper/Output go to Advanced and under Banner Sheet and select Disabled
    6. from Xerox Features go to "Accounting"
      1. from Accounting System select Send User ID and Account ID
      2. select Use Default Accounting Codes if you are always charging to the same account or Prompt for Every Job if you are billing to multiple accounts. Note: Until the driver update, the later option is not working under OS 10.5
      3. Pending your selection above, enter your User ID "Passcode" and Account ID in the fields provided. Your User ID and Passcode is a six-digit number (if you had an account on the old copier, it is the same) and the account number is a cost account number in the form X-XXXX - all of these you can get from Denise or Karl.
    7. Go to Presets at the top of the page and select Save As to save as something like CDR Xerox.
  5. When printing, please ensure that under Presets, you have selected CDR Xerox.
  6. When you want to print in color, simply go to Xerox Features / Paper/Output and under Output Color turn it to Color.
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