

Eigenspace perturbations for uncertainty estimation of single-point turbulence closures. G. Iaccarino, A.A. Mishra and S. Ghili. Physical Review Fluids, 2(024605):1-12, 2017. (URL)


Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models represent the workhorse for predicting turbulent flows in complex industrial applications. However, RANS closures introduce a significant degree of epistemic uncertainty in predictions due to the potential lack of validity of the assumptions utilized in model formulation. Estimating this uncertainty is a fundamental requirement for building confidence in such predictions. We outline a methodology to estimate this structural uncertainty, incorporating perturbations to the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of the modeled Reynolds stress tensor. The mathematical foundations of this framework are derived and explicated. Thence, this framework is applied to a set of separated turbulent flows, while compared to numerical and experimental data and contrasted against the predictions of the eigenvalue-only perturbation methodology. It is exhibited that for separated flows, this framework is able to yield significant enhancement over the established eigenvalue perturbation methodology in explaining the discrepancy against experimental observations and high-fidelity simulations. Furthermore, uncertainty bounds of potential engineering utility can be estimated by performing five specific RANS simulations, reducing the computational expenditure on such an exercise.

Bibtex entry

@ARTICLE { iaccarino_mishra_ghili2017,
    TITLE = { Eigenspace perturbations for uncertainty estimation of single-point turbulence closures },
    AUTHOR = { G. Iaccarino and A.A. Mishra and S. Ghili },
    JOURNAL = { Physical Review Fluids },
    VOLUME = { 2 },
    NUMBER = { 024605 },
    PAGES = { 1--12 },
    YEAR = { 2017 },
    ABSTRACT = { Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models represent the workhorse for predicting turbulent flows in complex industrial applications. However, RANS closures introduce a significant degree of epistemic uncertainty in predictions due to the potential lack of validity of the assumptions utilized in model formulation. Estimating this uncertainty is a fundamental requirement for building confidence in such predictions. We outline a methodology to estimate this structural uncertainty, incorporating perturbations to the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of the modeled Reynolds stress tensor. The mathematical foundations of this framework are derived and explicated. Thence, this framework is applied to a set of separated turbulent flows, while compared to numerical and experimental data and contrasted against the predictions of the eigenvalue-only perturbation methodology. It is exhibited that for separated flows, this framework is able to yield significant enhancement over the established eigenvalue perturbation methodology in explaining the discrepancy against experimental observations and high-fidelity simulations. Furthermore, uncertainty bounds of potential engineering utility can be estimated by performing five specific RANS simulations, reducing the computational expenditure on such an exercise. },
    URL = { https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.2.024605 },