

Investigation of geometric sensitivity of a non-axisymmetric bump: 3D mean velocity measurements. D.S. Ching, and C.J. Elkins and J.K. Eaton. Experiments in fluids, 59(143):1-14, 2018. (URL)


The geometric sensitivity of a non-axisymmetric bump with (H/\delta =2) is studied with 3D magnetic resonance velocimetry (MRV). The geometry is modified by rotating the bump with respect to the flow. 3D MRV is used to study the flow at bump angles of (0 deg), (5 deg), (10 deg), (40 deg), (50 deg), and (60 deg). For the symmetric (0 deg) case, the mean flow shows common-up vortex structures in the near wake but common-down structures in the far wake. Angled cases have one strong vortex structure that exists through the entire wake. The volume of the separation bubble and the vortex structures are sensitive to the bump angle.

Bibtex entry

@ARTICLE { ching_elkins_eaton_2018,
    TITLE = { Investigation of geometric sensitivity of a non-axisymmetric bump: 3D mean velocity measurements },
    AUTHOR = { D.S. Ching and and C.J. Elkins and J.K. Eaton },
    JOURNAL = { Experiments in fluids },
    ABSTRACT = { The geometric sensitivity of a non-axisymmetric bump with (H/\delta =2) is studied with 3D magnetic resonance velocimetry (MRV). The geometry is modified by rotating the bump with respect to the flow. 3D MRV is used to study the flow at bump angles of (0 deg), (5 deg), (10 deg), (40 deg), (50 deg), and (60 deg). For the symmetric (0 deg) case, the mean flow shows common-up vortex structures in the near wake but common-down structures in the far wake. Angled cases have one strong vortex structure that exists through the entire wake. The volume of the separation bubble and the vortex structures are sensitive to the bump angle. },
    VOLUME = { 59 },
    NUMBER = { 143 },
    PAGES = { 1--14 },
    YEAR = { 2018 },
    URL = { },