Fig. 1. Experimental (symbols) and simulated (lines) shock tube ignition delay time of neat and blended A2-C1 fuels in air at unity equivalence ratio and p5 = 0.56 atm initial pressure. The error bars are estimatedd experimental uncertainties (20 % in the ignition delay and 1 % in the temperature). Data are taken from [1].


[1]  K. Wang, R. Xu, T. Parise, J. Shao, A. Movaghar, D.J. Lee, J. Park, Y. Gao, T. Lu, F.N. Egolfopoulos, D.F. Davidson, R.K. Hanson, C.T. Bowman, H. Wang, A physics-based approach to modeling real-fuel combustion chemistry - IV. HyChem Modeling of Combustion Kinetics of a Bio-derived Jet Fuel and Its Blends with a Conventional Jet A, Combustion and Flame 198 (2018) 477–489 (2018).