Fig. 1. Experimental (symbols) and simulated (lines) laminar flame speed of Shell D in air at 373 K unburned gas temperature and 1 atm pressure. The error bars represent ±2σ data uncertainties. Data are taken from [1].


Fig. 2. Experimental (symbols) and simulated (lines) laminar flame speed of Shell D in O2 at an equivalence ratio of 1.003 with N2 and He as the diluent gas at elevated pressures. The temperature values given in the plots are the unburned gas temperatures at the corresponding pressures. The error bars represent ±2σ data uncertainties. Data are taken from [1].


[1]  R. Xu, C. Saggese, R. Lawson, A. Movaghar, T. Parise, J.Shao, R. Choudhary, J. Park, T. Lu, R.K. Hanson, D.F. Davidson, F.N. Egolfopoulos, A. Aradi, A. Prakash, V.R.R. Mohan, R. Cracknell, H. Wang, A physics-based approach to modeling real-fuel combustion chemistry - VI. Predictive kinetic models of gasoline fuels, Combustion and Flame 220 (2020) 475-487.