
Posts by 2019-305

Information Cascades in the Stock Market

by on March 1, 2019 4:36 pm
In the financial world, herding behavior refers to the phenomenon by which investors will base their investment decisions on the decisions of other investors. However, in general standard stock trades in the market are not the result of herding behavior, in that individuals will buy or sell a given stock given the success they anticipate… Read more Information Cascades in the Stock Market

Homophily: Fiji Water and Influencer Marketing

by on February 1, 2019 3:03 pm
Recently, most young adults who browse social media have heard of Fiji’s marketing campaign with the “Fiji Water girl”, also known as instagram influencer Danielle Bernstein of @WeWoreWhat and the Matrix models featured at the red carpet of the Golden Globes. In this article on influencer marketing, Gerardo Dada states that the modern day social… Read more Homophily: Fiji Water and Influencer Marketing