
Posts by 2022-406

A Network of Bots

by on March 11, 2022 11:19 pm
As social media networks have grown and allowed people to connect digitally, measures like ‘Friends’ lists and follower counts have become visual representations of the vast networks each individual is a part of. However, among the “friend” and “follow” requests from real life acquaintances, there are accounts mimicking authentic, human accounts, attempting to infiltrate and… Read more A Network of Bots

NFTs, Exclusivity, and Networks

by on March 11, 2022 11:17 pm
A recent article, “​​NFTs as Micro-Social Networks: The Path to Crypto Adoption,” details the recent emergence and growth of the virtual network of digital owners. This article claims that NFTs are currently on a path of becoming a significant factor of social interactions, and are shaping a new type of social interaction in itself. NFT… Read more NFTs, Exclusivity, and Networks