
Posts by 2024-405

Cumulative Advantage in Sports

by on March 14, 2024 11:41 pm
The rich-get-richer phenomenon generally describes the phenomenon in which those who start out with an advantage in a field are placed in a position that makes them more likely to gain further advantages and opportunities, resulting in an increasingly widening gap between those who started with and without the advantage. This concept is also called… Read more Cumulative Advantage in Sports

Public vs. Celebrity: Who holds more power?

by on February 9, 2024 1:15 pm
For all the exponential economic growth and increasing global presence South Korea has developed, mental health remains a major issue in Korean society. The competitive and stressful nature of people’s professional and private lives paired with a deep stigma against seeking help for mental health issues has led to an environment that is very conducive… Read more Public vs. Celebrity: Who holds more power?