Rosenberg lab at Stanford University
Rosenberg Lab, December 2019: Front: Gili Greenbaum, Jaehee Kim, Susan Mello, Alissa Severson, Airam Blancas, Alyssa Fortier; Back: Xiran Liu, Kayla Denton, Egor Alimpiev, Danny Cotter, Noah Rosenberg.

Noah Rosenberg, principal investigator. [brief bio]
PhD students and postdocs:
Lily Agranat-Tamir, postdoc. Lily completed her B.Sc. in Mathematics, her M.S. in Genetics, and separate Ph.D. degrees in Molecular Biology and Statistics, all at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In her most recent work, Lily has pursued statistical population genetics, with an emphasis on population-genomic data analysis. Her work includes a large study of the ancient genomics of the Levant region, and she is the author of LINADMIX, a program for analyzing admixture in modern populations in terms of contributions of ancient populations. In the lab, Lily's research interests focus on population-genetic models and statistics, particularly on admixture, genealogical models, and identity by descent. (Dec 2021 - present)
Kennedy Agwamba, postdoc. Kennedy completed his B.S. in Mathematical & Computational Biology at Harvey Mudd College in 2016 and his Ph.D. in Computational Biology at the University of California, Berkeley. His PhD work covered computational and empirical population genetics of the human-commensal rodent, Mus musculus domesticus, analyzing its demographic history through transatlantic migrations from Europe to the Americas. Kennedy's research in the lab focuses on population genetics of genetic admixture, with a focus on computational methods and human populations. (June 2024 - present)
Daniel Bauman, PhD rotation student (Computational and Mathematical Engineering Ph.D. program). Daniel received a B.A. in Mathematics from Princeton University in 2023. His undergraduate research focused on mathematical modeling in biology, considering topics such as evolutionary game theory, spatial modeling of soil nutrients and nitrogen fixation, and ecological competition. In the lab, Daniel's research interests are in mathematical evolutionary models, mathematical ecology, and evolutionary trees. Daniel is supported by a Stanford Graduate Fellowship. (Sep 2023 - present)
Egor Lappo, Ph.D. student (Ecology and Evolution Ph.D. program). Egor completed his B.S. in Mathematics at Stanford in 2022. His undergraduate studies covered many topics in mathematics and mathematical evolutionary biology; he has completed research in the areas of coalescent theory, cultural evolution, knot theory, and phylogenetic combinatorics, including several projects in the lab. Egor's current studies focus on combinatorics of evolutionary trees, coalescent theory, cultural evolution, and mathematical population genetics. (Oct 2018 - present)
Maike Morrison, PhD student (Ecology and Evolution Ph.D. program). Maike completed her B.S. in Mathematics at the University of Texas, Austin, in 2020. Her undergraduate research spanned a range of topics at the intersection of math, statistics, and population biology, including phylogenetics and phylogeography of cyanobacteria, disease ecology of brucellosis in elk, mathematical epidemiology of COVID-19, biostatistical analysis of vaccination, and genome-wide association analysis of immunological traits. Maike's research in the lab covers many aspects of mathematical genetics, with a current focus on population structure. Maike is supported by a Stanford Graduate Fellowship and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. (Sep 2020 - present)
Juan Esteban Rodriguez Rodriguez, PhD student (Ecology and Evolution Ph.D. program). Esteban completed his B.S. degree at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in 2016 in the area of Genomic Sciences, and his M.S. degree at the Instituto Politecnico Nacional de México in Integrative Biology in 2019. His research has focused on human population genetics and genomics, with an emphasis on population genetics of the populations of México. During his M.S. work, Esteban examined a genetic signature of ancestry from East Asia in the Acapulco region of México, tracing this signature to the Manila Galleon colonial trade route with the Philippines. In the lab, Esteban is continuing his work on genetic admixture and the genetic history of Mexico. Esteban is supported by a Stanford Graduate Fellowship. (Jan 2023 - present)
Chloe Shiff, PhD student (Computational and Mathematical Engineering Ph.D. program). Chloe completed her B.S. degree in Applied Mathematics and Biology at Brandeis University, graduating in 2022. Her undergraduate research examined a variety of questions in mathematical biology, investigating topics with applications in cell biology, epidemiology, and immunology. Chloe's research interests are in mathematical population dynamics and mathematical phylogenetics. Chloe is supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.
Undergraduates and co-terminal master's students:
Zarif Ahsan, undergraduate. Zarif is a member of the undergraduate class of 2025, majoring in Mathematics and Symbolic Systems. Zarif has previously conducted research in neuroscience and imaging. In the lab, his work focuses on mathematical properties of population-genetic statistics. (Jun 2022 - present)
Francis Beckert, undergraduate. Francis is a member of the undergraduate class of 2025, majoring in Mathematics. Francis has previously performed research in bioinformatics and machine learning. In the lab, Francis's work focuses on combinatorics of evolutionary trees. (Sep 2022 - present)
Emily Dickey, co-term. Emily is in the undergraduate class of 2024, majoring in Mathematics with co-terminal master's in Computational and Mathematical Engineering expected in 2025. Emily has previously conducted geophysical research on computational fluid dynamics of magma and water flow in volcanic conduits and energy economics research on financing of high-carbon infrastructure. In the lab, Emily is studying phylogenetic models and multifurcating trees. (Apr 2023 - present)
Michael Doboli, undergraduate. Michael is an undergraduate in the class of 2025, majoring in Mathematics and in Computer Science. Michael has previously conducted research in natural language processing. Michael's work in the lab examines the combinatorics of evolutionary trees. (Apr 2023 - present)
Bradley Moon, undergraduate. Bradley is an undergraduate in the class of 2025. His major is Mathematics. Bradley has previously conducted research in Brownian motion and partial differential equations. His work in the lab is in the area of mathematical properties of population-genetic statistics. (Sep 2022 - present)
Current Stanford undergraduates and co-term students not currently active in the lab:
Andrew Lee, undergraduate. Andrew is in the undergraduate class of 2025. He is double-majoring in Mathematics and Philosophy. Andrew's work in the lab examines combinatorics of evolutionary trees, with an emphasis on multilabeled trees. (Sep 2022 - Mar 2023)
Tarun Martheswaran, undergraduate. Tarun is a member of the undergraduate class of 2025, majoring in Mathematics and Data Science. Tarun has previously conducted research in cancer genomics, machine learning, and mathematical epidemiology. In the lab, his work focuses on mathematical properties of population-genetic statistics. (Jun 2022 - Aug 2022)
Lab photos:
Bradley Moon, Juan Esteban Rodriguez, Noah Rosenberg, Chloe Shiff, Xiran Liu, Michael Doboli (hike in Huddart Park, June 2023).
Egor Lappo, Chloe Shiff, Xiran Liu, Noah Rosenberg, Kaleda Denton, Maike Morrison, Lily Agranat-Tamir (Graduation! June 2023).
Noah Rosenberg, Alessandra Maranca, Maike Morrison, Danny Cotter, Matt King, Xiran Liu (Foothills Park, July 2021).
Filippo Disanto, Alan Aw, Susan Mello, Jonathan Kang, Jaehee Kim, Ilana Arbisser, Rohan Mehta, Olga Kamneva, Doc Edge, Amy Goldberg, Nicolas Alcala, Lawrence Uricchio, Noah Rosenberg (Stanford, June 2016).

Alumni of the lab.