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Running the test

This test case is run with the command

make test
The simulation runs for 500 time steps (suntans.dat: nsteps = 500) with a time step size of 0.2 s (suntans.dat: dt = 0.2). For this grid, given that the Voronoi distance for the equilateral triangles with sides of length $\Delta x=L/200$ is $D_g = \Delta x/\sqrt{3} = 0.2887$ m, and the maximum velocity is roughly $u_{max}=0.5$ m s$^{-1}$ (it actually never exceeds $0.44$ m s$^{-1}$), the horizontal Courant number is $C_x=u_{max}\Delta t/D_g = 0.35$, and the vertical Courant number is $C_z=w_{max}\Delta t/\Delta z_{min}=0.2\mbox{m s}^{-1} 0.2\mbox{s}/0.78 m=0.05$. Because central differencing is employed for advection of momentum (suntans.dat: nonlinear = 2), the horizontal grid Peclet number must satisfy the one-dimensional stability criterion which requires that $Pe_{\Delta x}<2/C_x$. This is an approximation and is not as restrictive as it should be for multidimensional, unstructured-grid problems, but it serves as a good approximation (See Fletcher [1] for details). For the horizontal stability, then, this requires that $\nu_H\ge u_{max}^2\Delta t/2 = 0.025$ m$^2$ s$^{-1}$ (suntans.dat: nuH = 0.025). Likewise, for vertical stability, $\nu = 0.016$ m$^2$ s$^{-1}$ (suntans.dat: nu = 0.016).

The results can be viewed with the sunplot gui from the main source directory with

./sunplot --datadir=examples/lockexchange/data
This will open up a planview of the one-dimensional grid of equilateral triangles, showing that there are 26 (1+nsteps/ntout) time steps to plot. To view the profile plot, depress the \fbox{\Large Profile \normalsize} button with the middle mouse button. The last time step of the velocity vectors along with the salinity field can be viewed with the following buttons:
  1. Right mouse on \fbox{\Large $->$ \normalsize} : To get to last time step.
  2. Left mouse on \fbox{\Large Vectors \normalsize} : Turn on velocity vectors.
  3. 3$\times$ Right mouse on \fbox{\Large Vectors \normalsize} : Increase vector length by a factor of 8.
  4. 2$\times$ Left mouse on \fbox{\Large $>$ \normalsize} : Increase iskip to 3 to plot every third vector for clarity.
The display should appear as it does in Figure 10.
Figure 10: Sunplot display of the lock exchange example after 500 time steps.

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