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Keeping up to date with CVS

You can keep an up to date copy of the SUNTANS distribution on your machine by using the cvs repository. To do so, you need to send your ssh public key to the suntans server administrator so that it can be installed in the authorized keys file on the suntans server. To obtain your public key, use

ssh-keygen -t rsa
This will create a public key in the file ~/.ssh/, which you should send via email to the administrator. You may use an empty passphrase but it is not recommended. Once you send your public key to the suntans cvs administrator, in the bash shell, type
export CVSROOT=:ext:cvsuser@suntans:/home/cvs
export CVS_RSH=ssh
This sets the CVSROOT environmental variable so that when you use the cvs commands they look for the cvs repository on the suntans server as user cvsuser. You will be granted read-only access to the cvs repository, so you can keep an up to date copy of the latest source on your machine. To check out the latest copy, type
cvs checkout suntans
This will create the suntans directory and all of the subdirectories on the server. If you would like to sync your copy of SUNTANS with the copy on the server, use
cvs update suntans
Note that you are only allowed read access to the cvs server. Any changes you make to the SUNTANS files on your machine will not be updated on the server unless you are added to the group list on the server. You will also not be able to ssh into the server if you try, as this will freeze your screen as only cvs access is allowed via ssh.
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