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Notes on mpich

SUNTANS works with both mpich-1 and mpich-2 and macro definitions are used to automatically select the applicable version, although profiles.c-mpich1 and profiles.c-mpich2 are files known to work for these respective versions for mpich.

After installing the above software, edit suntans/main/ so that the directories containing the appropriate packages are correctly specified as follows:

Note that there cannot be any spaces between the ``='' sign and the value. As an example, the file might look like
Once these locations are properly specified, compile the SUNTANS executable in suntans/main and link it with the software that has been installed with
This will create the main executable sun. To remove the object files, use
make clean
To clean up the distribution and return it to the original state it was in upon downloading, use
make clobber

The original source for SUNTANS contains empty macro definitions in
suntans/main/, i.e.

Undefined macros in this file imply that the software is not installed, and suntans will compile accordingly. Note that you cannot run SUNTANS in parallel unless both MPICH and ParMETIS are installed, since ParMETIS performs the parallel grid partitioning. However, SUNTANS does not require the Triangle libraries to run in its serial or parallel modes. Omission of the Triangle libraries requires the generation of grid files using an alternate grid generation package, as described in Section 3.2.

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