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Downloading and installing the latest source

To obtain a copy of SUNTANS, you can either download the latest tarball suntans.tgz from the suntans web page, or download the latest version from the cvs server using the directions in Section 1.2. If you have a working key, you should be able to download the latest source with

cvs checkout suntans
which will download the following three directories (not including the CVS directory): These same directories will be created if you download and unpack suntans.tgz with tar xzvf suntans.tgz.

If you have the GNU C compiler installed (gcc) you should be able to enter suntans/main and compile SUNTANS with

Otherwise, you will need to specify the correct C compiler with the variable CC in
suntans/main/Makefile. With an appropriate C compiler, the example in
suntans/main/examples/iwaves should also compile without any further installation (after changing CC in suntans/main/examples/iwaves/Makefile if necessary). To run the example, enter that directory and type
make test
This will run an internal waves example on a one-dimensional grid of equilateral triangles. To view the results, return to suntans/main and compile the graphical user interface with
make sunplot
This will create the sunplot executable, which can then be used to view the results of the internal waves example with
./sunplot --datadir=examples/iwaves/data
Note: This GUI requires the existence of the Xlib libraries and it is assumed that these are located in /usr/X11R6. Make sure the XINC and XLIBDIR variables are specified correctly in the suntans/main/Makefile if sunplot does not compile.

In order to run the other examples (as described in Section 6), the grid generation package Triangle [5] must be installed, and to run them in parallel, the message-passing interface (MPI) and the parallel graph partitioning libraries (ParMetis [4]) must be installed. Instructions for downloading and installing these packages are available from the individual websites for each package:


Note that you must compile the triangle libraries as object files by making them with make trilibrary.

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