Arto Anttila

Arto Anttila

Department of Linguistics
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-2150


Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Stanford University
Adjunct Professor (dosentti) in General Linguistics, University of Helsinki


Phonology, morphology, syntax, metrics, language variation

Recent work:

Lu, Jiayi, Brandon Papineau, Sarang Jeong, Alexia Hernandez, Emily Goodwin, and Arto Anttila. 2025. Interspeaker Variation in Copular Agreement with Disjoined Subjects: an Optimality-Theoretic Account. Talk to be given at the LSA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, January 10, 2025. (abstract)

de la Fuente, Antón, Sarang Jeong, Arto Anttila, and Giorgio Magri. 2024. What do harmony-based grammars exclude? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP 2024), Rutgers University, November 3, 2024. (abstract)

Smith, Liam, and Arto Anttila. 2024. Metrical tension and prose cadence. Talk given at the Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP 2024), Rutgers University, November 2, 2024. (abstract, slides)

Anttila, Arto. 2024. Stress-Information Alignment. Workshop on Phonological Domains and What Conditions Them, September 13, 2024, UC Berkeley. (handout)

Ikwut-Ukwa, Emiyare, Kushal Thaman, Annalisa Welinder, Arto Anttila, and Giorgio Magri. 2024. Probabilistic syllable structure. The 42nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL42), April 13, 2024, UC Berkeley. (slides, abstract)

de la Fuente, Antón, Brennan Nick, and Arto Anttila. 2023. Metrical uncertainty. MorrisHalle@100, September 10, 2023, MIT, Cambridge, MA. (poster, abstract)

Magri, Giorgio and Arto Anttila. 2023. Paradoxes of MaxEnt markedness. In Supplemental Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Meeting on Phonology. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America. (paper, poster, abstract)

Anttila, Arto and Adams Bodomo. 2022. Tone and morphological level ordering in Dagaare. Phonology 39(3), 443-471. Published online 10 November 2023. (paper)

O'Reilly-Brown, Madelaine, Brandon Papineau, and Arto Anttila. 2022. Itkonen structures 50 years on. Poster presented at the Third AMC Symposium: Change in syntax and phonology: the same or different? December 6, 2022. The University of Edinburgh. (poster, abstract)

Magri, Giorgio and Arto Anttila. 2022. Sensitivity to string length and feature count subverts MaxEnt universals. 29th Manchester Phonology Meeting, May 27, 2022. (slides)

Anttila, Arto, Ryan Heuser, and Paul Kiparsky. 2022. Prose rhythm and antimetricality. Literary Linguistic Forms. 2022 LSA Annual Meeting, January 8, 2022. (slides)

Wagner, Michael and Arto Anttila. 2021. What is deaccentuation? Targeted Collaborative Debate. The 44th GLOW Colloquium, April 16, 2021. (abstract, slides)

Anttila, Arto. 2021. Finnish Consonant Gradation is a stochastic phonotactic constraint. Fonologi i Norden (FiNo 2021), University of Helsinki/Zoom. (slides)

Clapp, William Somers and Arto Anttila. 2021. To predict or to memorize: Prominence in inaugural addresses. In Ryan Bennett, Richard Bibbs, Mykel L. Brinkerhoff, Max J. Kaplan, Stephanie Rich, Amanda Rysling, Nicholas Van Handel, & Maya Wax Cavallaro (eds.), Supplemental Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Meeting on Phonology. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America. (proceedings, paper)

Shapiro, Naomi Tachikawa and Arto Anttila. 2021. On the phonology and semantics of deaccentuation. In Ryan Bennett, Richard Bibbs, Mykel L. Brinkerhoff, Max J. Kaplan, Stephanie Rich, Amanda Rysling, Nicholas Van Handel, & Maya Wax Cavallaro (eds.), Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Meeting on Phonology. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America. (proceedings, paper)

Anttila, Arto and Adams Bodomo. 2021. Downstep in Dagaare. Zoom Phonology, April 28, 2021. (handout)


CoGeTo (Giorgio Magri & Arto Anttila 2019-): Convex Geometry Tools for studying categorical and probabilistic typologies in Optimality Theory, Harmonic Grammar, and MaxEnt grammar. Joint work with Giorgio Magri.

MetricalTree (Anttila, Dozat, Galbraith & Shapiro 2020). English phrasal stress is largely predictable from syntax and the information content of words. MetricalTree written by Timothy Dozat assigns stress to written English sentences building on a syntactic representation provided by the Stanford Parser and the classical theories of Chomsky and Halle 1968 and Liberman and Prince 1977. Check out this sample output.

Prosodic (Ryan Heuser, Joshua Falk & Arto Anttila 2010-). A web app for the automatic metrical scansion of English and Finnish. For an application, see Anttila, Arto and Ryan Heuser. 2016. Phonological and metrical variation across genres, Proceedings of 2015 Annual Meeting on Phonology, Linguistic Society of America, Washington DC. (paper)

T-Order Generator (Curtis Andrus & Arto Anttila 2006). A Python program for computing T-orders in Optimality Theory, last updated August 31, 2010. For a short introduction, see Anttila, Arto. and Curtis Andrus. 2006. T-Orders. Manuscript and software. (pdf)

OTOrder (Alex Djalali & Cameron Jeffers 2015). A web app for working with Partial Order Optimality Theory. [I like this one a lot, but unfortunately it is currently off-line for reasons beyond my control. Please let me know if you are interested.]


More papers, handouts, slides, and abstracts

Constraint Grammar of English

Papers that inspired me

Arto Anttila