Mark Applebaum
Composer / Performer / Educator


This is the online portfolio of Mark Applebaum for consideration of promotion to full professor at Stanford University. The site is organized into three main sections:

I. Bio / Vita

Prose Biography
Curriculum Vita

II. Statements

Stanford Promotion—a three-page overview
Aesthetic Dichotomy—a system of organizing the work
Teaching—including sample syllabi and student evaluations

III. Portfolio

Works / Projects—individual works composed since tenure, with descriptions, video links, and downloadable scores
Other Work—various writings, lectures, and other endeavors

In addition to this website, the full portfolio includes a mailed collection of hard copy materials, primarily audio recordings. Whereas the online site is the primary source of scores, video links, and information about the music, the shipped material comprises the majority of audio recordings. The shipped materials are:

I. A bound copy of some aforementioned materials: prose biography, curriculum vita, and Stanford Promotion statement.

II. Primary Applebaum CDs and DVDs:

Sock Monkey
The Metaphysics of Notation
Supplemental Portfolio CD (an unpublished collection of miscellaneous recordings)

III. Secondary CDs and DVDs:

The Vocal Constructivists (featuring Medium)
Music from soundSCAPE (featuring Curb Weight Surgical Field)
[re] (featuring Variations on Variations on a Theme by Mozart)

IV. A copy of Pedagogical Praxis and Curricular Infrastructure in Graduate Music Composition, a co-edited volume from a symposium hosted at Stanford, in Contemporary Music Review (vol. 31, part 4, 2012).

Together the online and hard copy elements aspire to a full account of work undertaken since my tenure file was submitted in 2006. A suggested list of “principal” works is found toward the end of the statement Aesthetic Dichotomy; these are pieces that might be investigated first.