Ajay Singhvi

Stay tuned for what's next
EE PhD graduate from Stanford University

This was a website I primarily used while I was a PhD student. At this stage, I’m maintaining it mostly for archival purposes, though I might sporadically update it as necessary.

I was a PhD student in the Electrical Engineering Department at Stanford University and was advised by Professor Amin Arbabian. While at Stanford, my research interests broadly lay in the design of integrated circuit systems and algorithms for intelligent sensing and communication applications. Specifically, my research was geared towards the development of multi-modal imaging systems for high-throughput airborne sensing of underground and underwater environments by leveraging the unique advantages of both acoustics and electromagnetics. You can watch my defense talk here or read my dissertation here.

Previously, I worked with Professor Peter Beerel at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, building low power asynchronous circuits and systems. Before that, I received a BEng in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from BITS Pilani, India.

I was a recipient of the L. K. Maheshwari Best Graduating Student Award from BITS Pilani in 2014, the Analog Devices Outstanding Student Designer Award in 2020, and the 2022 James F. Gibbons Outstanding Student Teaching Award while at Stanford.

My twin brother, Arjun, also graduated with a PhD in Computer Science in 2021 — check out his website here!