
peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, slides, and any other relevant information


    Singhvi, A. (2024). Overcoming the sensitivity-bandwidth limit for next-generation air-coupled ultrasonic and thermoacoustic sensing. Stanford University.
    (Note: The dissertation is embargoed to Stanford affiliates only until 2025, but I’m happy to share it if you shoot me an email).


  1. ISSCC
    A W-Band Transceiver Array with 2.4 GHz LO Synchronization Enabling Full Scalability for FMCW Radar
    Zhang, Jingzhi, Singhvi, Ajay, Ahmed, Sherif S, and Arbabian, Amin
    In IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2023
    Multi-modal sensor fusion towards three-dimensional airborne sonar imaging in hydrodynamic conditions
    Fitzpatrick, Aidan, Mathews, Roshan P, Singhvi, Ajay, and Arbabian, Amin
    Nature Communications Engineering 2023
    Three-Dimensional Mapping of Water Surface Waves Using Air-Coupled Sonar
    Fitzpatrick, Aidan, Singhvi, Ajay, Mukania, Jordy, Ye, Brion, Giebler, Eastan, and Arbabian, Amin
    In OCEANS 2023 - MTS/IEEE U.S. Gulf Coast 2023


  1. IUS
    Adaptive Beamforming for Wireless Powering of a Network of Ultrasonic Implants
    Wang*, Max L, Singhvi*, Ajay, Nyikayaramba*, Gift, Murmann, Boris, and Arbabian, Amin
    In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) 2022
  2. IUS
    Laser Scanning for Single-Shot Frequency Diverse Photoacoustic Excitation
    Meng, William L, Fitzpatrick, Aidan, Singhvi, Ajay, and Arbabian, Amin
    In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) 2022
  3. ISCAS
    Dynamic Tuning of Sensitivity and Bandwidth of High-Q Transducers via Nested Phase Modulations
    Fitzpatrick, Aidan, Singhvi, Ajay, and Arbabian, Amin
    In IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2022
  4. TCAS-II
    A Thermoacoustic Imaging System for Non-Invasive and Non-Destructive Root Phenotyping
    Singhvi, Ajay, Fitzpatrick, Aidan, Scharwies, Johannes Daniel, Dinneny, José R, and Arbabian, Amin
    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 2022
  5. JSSC
    Multi-Watt-Level 4.9-GHz Silicon Power Amplifier for Portable Thermoacoustic Imaging
    Sutardja, Christopher, Singhvi, Ajay, Fitzpatrick, Aidan, Cathelin, Andreia, and Arbabian, Amin
    IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 2022
  6. ISSCC
    An Electronically Tunable Multi-Frequency Air-Coupled CMUT Receiver Array with sub-100μPa Minimum Detectable Pressure Achieving a 28kb/s Wireless Uplink Across a Water-Air Interface
    Singhvi, Ajay, Fitzpatrick, Aidan, and Arbabian, Amin
    In IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2022


  1. IUS
    Multi-Task Learning for Simultaneous Speed-of-Sound Mapping and Image Reconstruction Using Non-Contact Thermoacoustics
    Singhvi*, Ajay, Wang*, Max L., Fitzpatrick*, Aidan, and Arbabian, Amin
    In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) 2021


    Spatial Reconstruction of Soil Moisture Content using Non-Contact Thermoacoustic Imaging
    Fitzpatrick, Aidan, Singhvi, Ajay, and Arbabian, Amin
    In IEEE Sensors 2020
    An Airborne Sonar System for Underwater Remote Sensing and Imaging
    Fitzpatrick, Aidan, Singhvi, Ajay, and Arbabian, Amin
    IEEE Access 2020
  3. IUS
    Resolution Enhanced Non-Contact Thermoacoustic Imaging using Coded Pulse Excitation
    Singhvi, Ajay, Fitzpatrick, Aidan, and Arbabian, Amin
    In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) 2020


  1. IUS
    Non-Contact Thermoacoustic Sensing and Characterization of Plant Root Traits
    Singhvi, Ajay, Ma, Bo, Scharwies, Johannes Daniel, Dinneny, José R, Khuri-Yakub, Butrus T, and Arbabian, Amin
    In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) 2019
  2. T-UFFC
    A Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Imaging System with Non-Contact Ultrasound Detection
    Singhvi, Ajay, Boyle, Kevin C, Fallahpour, Mojtaba, Khuri-Yakub, Butrus T, and Arbabian, Amin
    IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 2019


  1. JETC
    A Fine-Grain, Uniform, Energy-Efficient Delay Element for 2-Phase Bundled-Data Circuits
    Singhvi, Ajay, Moreira, Matheus T, Tadros, Ramy N, Calazans, Ney LV, and Beerel, Peter A
    ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC) 2016


    A Fine-Grained, Uniform, Energy-Efficient Delay Element for FD-SOI Technologies
    Singhvi, Ajay, Moreira, Matheus T, Tadros, Ramy N, Calazans, Ney LV, and Beerel, Peter A
    In IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI 2015
  2. VLSID
    Analysis and Optimization of Programmable Delay Elements for 2-phase Bundled-Data Circuits
    Heck, Guilherme, Heck, Leandro S, Singhvi, Ajay, Moreira, Matheus T, Beerel, Peter A, and Calazans, Ney LV
    In 28th International Conference on VLSI Design 2015

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