SSEA CS106B Programming Abstractions
Summer 2022
What's happening today
2 weeks and 2 days ago by Chris
Today, we are introducing Stanford Vectors and Grids, and we are starting to work on our Game of Life programs. Please open up the second lecture – to do so, click on the Lectures tab at the top of this page, and then click 2. 8/10 Vectors and Grids. Then, click on the Slides bullet (here is a direct link).
What's happening today
2 weeks and 4 days ago by Chris
Welcome to the website for SSEA CS106B, Summer 2022!
Today, we are introducing CS106B (SSEA edition). We are going to cover the following:
- Computer setup for the class
- How to read an assignment
- Basic C++ concepts
Please open up the first lecture – to do so, click on the Lectures tab at the top of this page, and then click 1. 8/8 Day 1 - Tools, Assignments, and C++. Then, click on the Slides bullet (here is a direct link).