Please e-mail Tad at fukamit at stanford dot edu or other current members if you are interested in joining us as a student or postdoc.

Graduate students

I am looking for a PhD student to start in fall 2025. If you are interested in working on community ecology and feeling "stupid" about it, you may be a good fit in our lab. Depending on their experience, interests, and career goals, some of my students choose to collaborate with me directly on one of the projects I am heavily involved in. Some others work on projects not directly related to my core interests. Yet others initially work on one of the projects led directly by me and later transition into more independent projects. In all cases, I encourage my students to find, design, and execute their research on their own, with me as a collaborator. I believe this approach helps them to become independent and creative scientists. There are multiple graduate programs (Biology, Earth System Science, E-IPER) through which PhD students can join our lab, but each candidate can apply to only one program each year.

Undergraduate students

Students are welcome to participate in the research conducted in our lab throughout the year. Almost every year, we have funded opportunities in summer. In addition, we often have undergraduates working with us throughout the year via federal work-study.

Post-doctoral fellows

I welcome inquires regarding post-doc possibilities in our lab.