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Selected Bibliography

Bodeen, De Witt. "Alice Joyce." Films in Review, Dec. 1976: p. 599-618.

Chamberlin, Mary. "Popular "Movie" Actress" Theatre Magazine, May 1913

Durling, E.V.. "Alice, Where Have You Been" Photoplay Magazine, May 1924, p. 72+

Franklin, Joe (with William K. Everson). Classics of the Silent Screen. New York: The Citadel Press., 1959. p. 184.

Gaddis, Pearl. "Alice Joyce, Honeymoon Truant" Photoplay Magazine, May 1915, p. 1393

Golden, Eve. "Alice Joyce, the Dark Madonna of the Silver Screen" Classic Images Feb. 1996: p. 28-30, reprinted in Golden, Eve. Golden Images. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2001: p. 65-69.

Lahue, Kalton C. Ladies in Distress.South Brunswick and New York: A.S. Barnes and Co., 1971. p. 149-191.

"Pretty Alice Joyce" Film Flashes, 1916?

Slide, Anthony. Silent Players.Lexington, Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky, 2002. p. 188-155.

Smith, Frederick James. "Alice for Short" Photoplay Magazine, October 1917, p. 77+

Smith, Frederick James. Interview with Alice Joyce in The New York Dramatic Mirror, June 18, 1913

"The Venus of the 'Movies'" Cosmopolitan , November 1913, p. 839-840

Patterson, Ada. "The Lady of Vast Silences" Photoplay Magazine, March 1920, p. 85+

Howe, Harold "Watching Alice Joyce" Dramatic Mirror & Theatre World,November 27, 1920, p. 1017

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