

Given a graph G=(V,E), with vertex set V=[n], and an integer m, we attempt to solve the following non-convex problem:

 begin{array}{ll} {rm maximize} & sum_{(i,j)in E} sigma_icdotsigma_j-frac{gamma}{2}big|Mbig|_2^2  {rm subj. to} & |sigma_{i}|_2 = 1; forall iin [n], end{array}

where Mequivsum_{i=1}^nsigma_i, and sigma_i in {mathbf R}^m.

We use block-coordiate ascent, where at each step we maximize over the vector sigma_i. Namely at each step, we draw iin [n] uniformly at random and update sigma_i to sigma^{{rm new}}_i given by

 begin{array}{ll} sigma^{{rm new}}_i & = frac{h_i}{|h_i|_2}, . h_i & =  sum_{jin partial i}sigma_j - gamma M, . end{array}

where partial i denotes the set of neighbors of i in G.


Once an (approximate, local) maximizer is obtained, we construct an embedding of vertices as follows.

  • Compute the empirical covariance

 widehat{Sigma} = frac{1}{n}sum_{i=1}^nsigma_isigma_i^{sf T}
  • Compute its eigenvalues end eigenvectors widehat{Sigma}=sum_{i=1}^mlambda_i v_iv_i^{sf T}, with lambda_1ge lambda_2ge dotsgelambda_m. Note that, by construction sum_{i=1}^mlambda_i=1. Let k be the smallest index such that sum_{i=1}^klambda_ige 1-10^{-6}.

  • Return, for each vertex i, the projections on the k leading eigenvectors v_1^{sf T}sigma_i, v_2^{sf T}sigma_i, dots,v_k^{sf T}sigma_i. Notice that these coordinates are ordered by ‘importance.’

We observe empirically that k is often smaller than m. The dimension of the embedding can be further reduced by only using the first k'<k dimensions (for some k' chosen by the user).

How to choose the input parameters:

The user must specify three parameters:

  • The number of components m. The algorithm is pretty insensitive to this choice, and we found that m=20 works in most cases (in the sense that the optimization converges to a global maximum). Indeed, this choice appears to be conservative and often m=10 or smaller works as well. For very large instances (above 10^5 vertices), it might be useful to use larger values, e.g. m=40.

  • The regularization parameter gamma. The default choice gamma=d/n, with d the average degree, seems appropriate in most cases.

  • The number of iterations. Each iteration corresponds to n block updates. We obtained satisfactory results with 1000 iterations or less.