Math 276/ Stat 375 : Organization and logistics

  • Each topic in the syllabus contains a list of references. The list will be updated during the quarter, so please keep an eye on it.

  • I will devote lectures to cover a subset of those references and background. You are expected to read them as well. We will devote part of each lecture to remarks/questions from the audience.

  • Some of the references will be indicated as ‘complements.’ This will be for students presentations.

  • In order to get credit for this class, you will be required to do one of the following (I will create sign up forms on canvas):

    • Give a 30 minte presentation on a paper during the quarter (can be done jointly by 2 students)

    • Scribe one lecture.

  • Grades will be assigned on the basis of: (i) Class participation; (ii) Presentation or scribing.