Books and Articles

Monographs and Books

(In Prep) Claiming Home, Reclaiming History: Rebellion, Mobility and the Narratives of Invisibility Among California’s Bay Area Natives. (Monograph- press to be determined).

2015 Rethinking Colonial Pasts Through Archaeology, co-edited with Rodney Harrison and Neal Ferris. Oxford University Press. Oxford, United Kingdom.

2009 The Pueblo Revolt and the Mythology of Conquest: An Indigenous Archaeology of Contact. University of California Press. Berkeley, California.


(In Prep) Reversing the Terminal Narrative: Rethinking Conquest from The Pueblo Revolt to the Indigenous Rebellions of California. (American Antiquity).

(In Prep) When is a conquest? Rethinking the Early Colonial and Indigenous History of the San Francisco Bay Area: Documentary and Archaeological Evidence From The Hinterlands (Journal of Field Archaeology).

(In Press) “Questioning Conquest in The Pueblo World.” In Contesting the Borderlands. Edited by Deborah and Jon Lawrence. University of Oklahoma Press.

2015 Indigenous Archaeology and the Pueblo Revolt of 1680: Social Mobility and Boundary Maintenance in Colonial Contexts. In From The Margins: The Archaeology of the Colonized. Edited by Rodney Harrison, Neal Ferris and Michael Wilcox. Oxford University Press.

2014 Book Review: Pueblo Indians and Spanish Colonial Authority in Eighteenth-Century New Mexico. Tracy L. Brown. American Historical Review, Oxford Journals. Volume 119, Issue 5: 1685-1687.

2012 Colonizing The Genome: DNA and The New Raciology In American Archaeology. Scientific Discourses and Cultural Difference. Edited by Gesa Mackenthun. Waxmann Verlag, Berlin.

2010    Saving Indigenous Peoples from Ourselves: Separate but Equal Archaeology is not Scientific Archaeology. American Antiquity, Volume 75, Number 2, 221-228.

2010    Marketing Conquest and the Vanishing Indian: An Indigenous Response to Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs and Steel and Collapse. Journal of Social Archaeology. Volume 10, Number 1, 93-117.

2009    Marketing Conquest and the Vanishing Indian: An Indigenous Response to Jared Diamond’s Guns Germs and Steel and Collapse. In Questioning Collapse. Edited by Norm Yoffee and Patricia McAnany. Cambridge University Press. 113-142.

2009    NAGPRA and Indigenous Peoples: The Social Context and Controversies, and the Transformation of American Archaeology. In Voices in American Archaeology: Society for American Archaeology 75th Anniversary Special Volume. Society for American Archaeology Press. 178-192.

2005    Schizophrenia on the Frontier. In Native American Voices on Identity, Art, & Culture: Objects of Everlasting Esteem. Edited by Lucy Fowler Williams, William Wierzbowski, & Robert W. Preucel. University of Pennsylvania Press. 95-96.

2002    Social Memory and the Pueblo Revolt: A Postcolonial Perspective. In Archaeologies of the Pueblo Revolt: Identity, Meaning, and Renewal in the Pueblo World. Edited by Robert W. Preucel. University of New Mexico Press. 167-180.

2001    ‘Now the God of the Spaniards is Dead’: Ethnogenesis and Community Formation in the Aftermath of the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. Robert W. Preucel, Loa Traxler and Michael Wilcox co-authors. Traditions, Transitions and Technologies. Proceedings of the 2000 Southwest Symposium. 71-93.

2000    Dialogue or Diatribe? Indians and Archaeologists in the Post-NAGPRA Era. In Spirit Wars: Native North American Religions in the Age of Nation Building. Edited by Ronald Niezen. University of California Press. 190-193.